



粤语 1999 共22集


本片描述了香港反黑组的组员惩治罪恶的英勇事迹以及他们个人感情经历的点点滴滴。人称“筋肉人”的反黑组探员阿喜(吴毅将 饰)立功无数、屡破奇案,但却因脾气倔犟,向来专横而和同事们诸多不顺。刚刚加入的康仔(陈浩民 饰)更是对阿喜诸多怨言,甚至想申请调组。后来一起办案多了,反黑组内部终于彼此了解,一团和气。反黑组内也有不少情事,一次上司阿凡(黎耀祥 饰)结识了卖鱼女阿娇,两人成了欢喜冤家;而阿弟(邵美琪 饰)更是一直暗恋阿喜,他们在工作上、感情上正经历着一次又一次的考验。



粤语1999 | 共22集
  • 1~10
  • 11~20
  • 21~22


HONG had an ambition to be an excellent policeman as a child. His supervisor appreciates his considerable contribution and transfers him to work as a undercover. Coincidentally, he meets HEY on his last beat before his transfer. HEY has been in the police force for years and rich in experience but his recklessness makes LIN, his ex-classmate and supervisor dissatisfy. Fortunately, FAN, his best friend and partner, is their mediator. HONG almost damages HEY and FAN’S plot of arresting CRAZY BILL, a drug dealer. HONG’S brilliant performance during his training gains LIN’S recommendation to join the ANTI-CRIME SQUAD. His first assignment is to investigate the blackmailing of mini-bus drivers, which is masterminded by UNCLE THUNDER, and succeeds in having KIM, an informant, to testify. HONG is sent to protect the informant but feels quite at a loss when he meets his mother, BO, in his mission.



The exposure of HONG’S identity lets UNCLE THUNDER off the hook and leaves in rage. HONG feels regret for this. HEY knows UNCLE THUNDER collects ransoms in the name of cleaning fees and “cleans” THUNDER’S territory. This leads to LIN’S dissatisfaction. FAN has a fight with his landlady and moves to HEY’S home. HEY is dissatisfied with his career and CHI, his wife, always comforts him. His partner, TI, was a teen mother and has a son named FAI. HEY takes care of her very much and makes TI admire him secretly. HONG meets SUM when accompanying his mother to buy a used car and mistakes SUM for his puppy lover, YEE. UNLCE THUNDER’S men have penetrated in the construction site of HOME OWNER’S SCHEME to seek for interests and BULLET is in charge of this. HEY and HONG follow order to get BULLET but he resists.



HONG and HEY manages to arrest BULLET, who knows it is THUNDER’S trick that leads to his arrest later. He sends his man, PINK PANTHER, to threaten HO’S family so as to make HO quit from testifying against him and set him free. TI’S work makes her late in picking up FAI, who is missing. She is worried about her son very much. HEY consoles her and finds FAI at his home. TI’S father, WON, dislikes TI’S maternity without marriage. It turns their relationship sour. KIU, WON’S sister, works as their mediator. BULLET lets the police collect enough evidence to charge UNCLE THUNDER in order to replace him as the new boss of the gang. HONG visits SUM’S school to investigate the triad penetration of schools and tries to date SUM whom HONG mistakes her for YEE.



SUM discovers one of her student, PING involving in shoplifting and traces him but in vain as being discovered by other gangsters. Fortunately, her alertness helps her escape from mishap. Then she succeeds in persuading PING into cooperating with the SQUAD to rectify the gang of shoplifting. AT last, HONG accidentally makes clear that SUM is not her puppy lover. FAN is embarrassed when he expresses his admiration to LAI, his colleague, who only treats him as her elder friend. Coincidentally, TI cannot join KIU for concert and let FAN go with KIU. However, KIU finds FAN is such a miser that the date ends in disagreement. The SQUAD tries to hook BULLET, who blackmails the new flat owners in the name of HUNG KEE CONSTSRUCTION CO., by borrowing a flat from TI’S family. KIU makes FAN pay for a meal for this request from the SQUAD. FAN can do nothing but agree.



In order to get KIU’S cooperation; FAN pays her a meal. KIU tricks FAN to pay for all neighbors instead of hers only. It really hurts FAN, the miser. KIU carelessly discloses the plot and let BULLET off the hook. This makes the SQUAD very angry. HONG tries to engage with SUM and shows his fondness in the excuse of computer problems. Finally, he is distressed when he knows SUM has a boy friend but he still cares about her. Because of the undesirable returns from renovations, BULLET orders his gang to threaten the tenants and damage the flats of those who do not offer them the renovation works. KIU’S flat is damaged seriously because of helping the police and she requires FAN to be responsible for the renovation. For cutting costs, BULLET steals materials from other construction sites and has KEUNG, HEY’S brother-in-law joined him. They resist when the SQUAD goes after them.



HEY dislikes LIN suspecting him of shielding KEUNG and resigns in rage. FAN and TI persuades time and again in vain but his wife, CHI, strongly supports him. Although LIN stops HEY from investigating the crimes of BULLET, HEY does not obey. KEUNG falls out with HEY because he does not want to testify against BULLET. CHI is in the dilemma. HEY thinks it does not fit him for being transferred to detect the triad penetration of schools. BULLET’S men blackmail owners whose flats are finished in undesirable conditions since his business is deeply affected by the police investigation. With the owners’ cooperation, the SQUAD successfully traps and charges BULLET as well as his men. FAN and HONG are investigating a case of student stealing letters and suspect SUM’S students taking part in it. The principal obstructs them to take further action. SUM dislikes what the principal does but she can do nothing about it.



SUM finds WING taking part in stealing mail with other students and tries to stop them but they run away. The students, used by TURBO, a gang leader, play the trick of luring the principal away by putting the mail into ON’S school bag. As TURBO have students as his targets, his influence gains momentum in schools. HEY and CHI look for an ideal shop. TI envies they are great couple. CHI accidentally hears KIU mentioning TI’S secret admiration of HEY. TURBO shops with credit cards stolen by WING and his gang. When the SQUAD knows what TURBO does, it dogs and arrests WING, who shields TURBO and admits all the wrongdoing himself. WING’S grandma asks SUM for help and WING takes TURBO’S advice of pretending to be good. But the principal insists WING to quit from school.



SUM’S lofty aim in teaching is supported by HONG but not her family and boyfriend, WAH. So she and HONG ask the principal to give WING a chance. The principal agrees only if WING passes the exam. Then SUM helps WING through tutorials and WING works hard too. TURBO participates in prostitution business. A young prostitute disobeys him and accidentally hurts herself by falling on the ground from a building in her escape. This draws the SQUAD’S attention and checks all the business related to TURBO. FAN repairs water pipe in KIU’S home and takes shower. KIU mistakes FAN for TI and discloses her secrets. WING, who passes the exam and have the judge reprieved his probation, does not regret and joins TURBO’S gang again. TURBO, who persuades WING into working for him with smooth talk, is having a drug deal. The SQUAD prepares to arrest him.



WING is caught but released by the police for insufficient evidence. However, TURBO not only does not blame him but also treats him better. It is because TURBO has finished the deal and WING is just bait for the police. WING’S defying the persuasion of SUM and quitting from school let SUM down. WAH’S jealousy arises when HONG comforting SUM and going out with her for a ramble. HEY knows TURBO uses his old trick in the coming drug deal. He follows him to the bowling ground and captures them. But TURBO is bossy in the police station. When he is ready for the bailout, HEY detains him for the injury of the girl in her escape from TURBO. HONG admires HEY and HEY teaches him his secret to be a policeman. TURBO dissatisfies being teased by HEY and sends his men to destroy HEY’S new shop but accidentally catches fire while CHI is in the shop.



CHI dies of suffocation. This hurts HEY and he cannot sleep. He always reminisces their good old days. When he knows who is the murderer, he prepares to take revenge but TI stops him in time. TURBO gives YAN $300,000 for not testifying against him and YAN is sentenced for four years. SUM feels out of place with WAH. She considers separating with him but his dedication makes her continue the relationship. KEUNG rebukes HEY who gives up his business after CHI’S death. TURBO cannot return $300,000 to MARKET WAI and kidnaps ON with WING for $ 1 million at the beginning. He then blackmails another $ 5 million after ON’S father makes the first payment. ON’S father can do nothing but report to the police. At the same time, SUM, who remembers the place for hiding the hostage, tries to seek for ON with HONG.

描述:本片描述了香港反黑组的组员惩治罪恶的英勇事迹以及他们个人感情经历的点点滴滴。人称“筋肉人”的反黑组探员阿喜(吴毅将 饰)立功无数、屡破奇案,但却因脾气倔犟,向来专横而和同事们诸多不顺。刚刚加入的康仔(陈浩民 饰)更是对阿喜诸多怨言,甚至想申请调组。后来一起办案多了,反黑组内部终于彼此了解,一团和气。反黑组内也有不少情事,一次上司阿凡(黎耀祥 饰)结识了卖鱼女阿娇,两人成了欢喜冤家;而阿弟(邵美琪 饰)更是一直暗恋阿喜,他们在工作上、感情上正经历着一次又一次的考验。