



粤语 1991 共15集


人是否犯法一次,今世就無法翻身呢?十五集劇《命運迷宮》就是環繞這個主題,道盡釋囚之苦與悲。 故事環繞三個釋囚發展。任志豪(曾偉權)自小在黑道中打滾,出入牢獄視作等閒,但為人重義氣。他為父奔喪而可暫時出獄,但警察楊國標(焦雄)以為他圖謀犯事而諸多監視,豪大感精神壓力,而熱心之社工夏靜雯(曾華倩)則積極誘導豪重入正途,豪敷衍之。一次,豪因趕赴為兄弟講數,導致妻子陳佩娟(黎美嫻)小產,娟見豪劣性不改,傷心失望,與他分手。豪甚感內疚,雯多加慰解,豪漸受感化而改過。 莊家俊(甄子丹)被誣陷貪污而入獄,出獄後,妻



粤语1991 | 共15集
  • 1~10
  • 11~15


The police, Yeung Kwok Bill, see that the released prisoner, Bo Fiat is still getting" along with the bad gangs, he thus believes that Fiat has not yet corrected himself. Therefore, he always questions him. Fiat is very annoyed with him. Fiat lies to his girlfriend that he has been on trip for business purpose. However, Bill discloses the truth unintentionally. This makes Fiat lose his lover. Fiat is very disappointed. The site where Fiat works has been robbed. Meanwhile, Bill patrols around and searches the site thoroughly. Unfortunately, the fault is shifted to Fiat maliciously. Bill strongly believe that Fiat is the one who steals. Fiat kidnaps a pawn and escapes. The social worker, Ha Ching Man, persuades Fiat at the spot, however, she still could not calm Fiat down. The pawn has been fallen down from the building in confusion. Fiat is then charged of unintentional homicide and is being put into the prison.… ...



Ho has become acquainted with Ma Cheung after Fiat's case. They both come from the lower class and could easily understand each other Cheung is always insulted by other prisoners. Ho helps him to get rid of the trouble. They thus become good friends. Cheung hears the news that somebody has bought someone to kill Ho for revenge. He then tells Ho to be cautious. Meanwhile, a prisoner, Jon Ka Chun, has been arranged to move to their gaol. Therefore, they suspect and beware of Chun. One day, Ho misunderstands that Chun is intended to kill him. They then fight against each other. The jailer stops them. Ah Kwong recognize that Ch un is the custom-house officer who arrested him. Kwong is so angry that he asks Crazy Queen to insult Chun for revenge. Chun is very sad. When Ho has known that Chun is not the killer, he changes his attitude. He even comes up to negotiate with Crazy Queen for Chun's sake.… ...



Ho still mingles with the trial gangs after released. He is even proud of his ex-prisoner status and resorts this to establish ~he "Big Brother" image. His grandmother is very disappointed with him. Ho finds out that Big Mouth Keung has seized his territory. In fact, Keung and Ho are both Brother Hung's subordinates. However there exist animosities between them all along. Keung tries to weaken Ho's strength when he is imprisoned. Ho is reluctant to lose his territory and leads his subordinate La Jar to get back his territory. Man discovers that Ho does not contact the self-renewal association after released. She then visits his family so as to know more about him. Kuen misunderstands that ~6 again has committed some crime and is very abashed. Though Man has explained to Kuen the situation, Kuen is still very uneasy. Man could eventually see Ho after suffering many hardships.… ...



When Man knows that Ho has resigned from factory, she is very dissatisfied. She still persuades Ho patiently. Ho is very annoyed with Man and even plays trick on her. This makes Man very angry. Keung is reluctant to lose his territory and sends killer to assassinate Ho but in vain. This involves Kuen, who has hurt, and is being sent to the hospital. Kuen knows well that Ho has again stepped in the wrong way and persuades him to correct himself. Ho hesitates to answer. Ho questions Keung and Keung deliberately appears that he is being treated with injustice and agrees that he would hand over the territory to Ho. Though Ho knows that Keung has secretly arranged some artful device, he keeps silent to smooth down the matter at the moment. Man persuades and encourages Ho again and again. When Man and Ho tangle with each other in the street, Bill misunderstands that Ho is disrespectful to Man. Bill then insults Ho.… ...



Chun' is very sad. Fortunately, he could eventually rebuild his confidence after Ho's consolation. He then decides to unite ~with his wife. Chun meets Yee. Li by chance. He implores her to change her mind. However, Li is determined to leave Chun. Meanwhile, Hi arrives and is very intimate with Li. Chun then knows that Hi is the one who has destroyed his family and suffers a great blow. Chun finds a witness and discovers that Hi is the one who has got him into trouble. He then questions him angrily. His act has alarmed Hi. Hi then wants to kill Chun. Ho supports Chun to oppose Hi. Ho helps Chun to collect Hi's crime evidence. He even cheats Pui Kuen to hand over it and buys a witness. Unexpectedly, Hi has killed the witness. Chun feels that law is not fair indeed. Bill discovers Ho's name and telephone number on the body of the corpse.… ...



When Ho has known that Big Mouth Keung had sent some fellows to assassinate him, he is very angry. He waits upon a chance to take revenge. Kuen suffers a great blow after miscarrying the baby. She could not find Ho for the next few days and knows that Ho has put much concern in the triad gang affairs than her. She is so sad and disappointed that she decides to separate from Ho. Big Brother Hung does not want Ho and Keung to have internecine warfare. Hung then orders them to come to an understanding. Though they are reluctant to come to terms with each other, they have to stop the quarrel temporarily for Hung's sake. When Ho has known that Kuen had decided to leave him he hurries away to the train station to keep Kuen stay behind. He meets Bill. Bill sees that Ho is so alarmed. Bill thinks that Ho must have been done something bad. Therefore, he deliberately obstruct his way.Ho then misses the chance to see Kuen.… ...



Chun misses his son. Bobby, a lot and secretly brings him out for a while. Li misunderstands that Chun is aiming at bringing Bobby away, therefore, she complains to the police. Chun is then forbidden to see his son. Chun wants to get back the right to foster his son in a legal way, therefore, he ask Bon for help. Bon is reluctant to help him, but' with Man's persuasion, he promises to help him unwillingly. With Man's help, Chun works in Man's father's, Kin Yan, shipping factory. He could then settle down. However, he could not get back the right to foster Bobby as his financial situation is not so good. Ma Cheung claims that he would support Chun. In fact, Cheung has secretly hidden up a huge sum of stolen money somewhere before he was put into prison. He thinks that he could set up some legal business with these money.… ...



Hi leads his subordinates to beat Chun. Bobby is so frightened that he rushes out to the road and is knocked down' to death by a car. Hi puts all the blames on Chun. Chun hates Hl more. Chun takes revenge on Hi. However, Li persuades him to stop. Li suffers a great blow when she has known what Hi has done and especially after the death of Bobby. She then is suffer from nervous breakdown. Hi abandons her. When Chun knows that, he looks life upon its dark side and is more determined to take revenge on Hi. Ma Cheung has set up a key shop. One day, Ho looks after the shop for Cheung. Ho's grandma passes by and thinks that he has already stepped in the right way and feels very eased. Big Month Keung challenges Ho. La Gia is ambitious of excelling and persuades Ho to compete with Keung. Man worries Ho will again step in the wrong way and tries her best to stop him. Ho listens.… ...



Hi does not want Chun to ruin his business and sends some fellow to attack him. Fortunately, Ho helps Chun to defeat the enemy. Big Brother Hung and Hi join in plotting treason. They have set a plot to trap Ho in a fight. They then inform Bill to arrest him. Luckily, Ho is so shrewd that he can escape the disaster. Ho is so angry that he finds Hung for revenge. Hung threatens Ho with his grandmother's' life. Hung has hurt the grandmother in confusion. She has died on the way to the hospital. Ho is very sad. He decides to follow his grandmother’s instruction and reforms himself. He changes his job to goods transportation. Man appreciates him more. Man and Hi eventually could blossom love with each other. Chun is oppressed by Hi to the extent that "he has no other way out and has to follow Cheng Kwong so as to stand against Hi.… ...



Ho aware that he has fallen for Man. However, he still avoids to court Man. He belittles himself on one hand and he does not know Man had quarrelled with Bon which has worsened their rela?tion on the other. Man invites Ho to attend a meeting with her old schoolmates. They meet Bon. Bon takes this opportunity to insult Ho. Ho confesses to the public that he has been imprisoned. They are very surprised. Man appreciates his courage. Hi secretly seize Kwong's customer. Chun discloses and instigates Kwong to destroy Si Cheong. Kwong know Chun's inten?tion and suggests Chun to be calm and patient. Chun has no other alternative. "Ho meets a teddy girl, Fok Yuen Yee, in a pub and leaves a deep impression in his mind. Ho helps Man td deliver a TV set. Bill sees that and thinks that Ho steals it. Bill then troubles Ho. He only let Ho free after Man's explanation.… ...

描述:人是否犯法一次,今世就無法翻身呢?十五集劇《命運迷宮》就是環繞這個主題,道盡釋囚之苦與悲。 故事環繞三個釋囚發展。任志豪(曾偉權)自小在黑道中打滾,出入牢獄視作等閒,但為人重義氣。他為父奔喪而可暫時出獄,但警察楊國標(焦雄)以為他圖謀犯事而諸多監視,豪大感精神壓力,而熱心之社工夏靜雯(曾華倩)則積極誘導豪重入正途,豪敷衍之。一次,豪因趕赴為兄弟講數,導致妻子陳佩娟(黎美嫻)小產,娟見豪劣性不改,傷心失望,與他分手。豪甚感內疚,雯多加慰解,豪漸受感化而改過。 莊家俊(甄子丹)被誣陷貪污而入獄,出獄後,妻