



粤语 2001 共50集


  戴福生(林家栋 饰)、刘二索(陈浩民 饰)和慧婷(张燊悦 饰)相识于孤儿院中,无依无靠的三人将彼此当做是自己的家人,彼此之间的感情非常亲密。戴福生年长,又乐善好施,因此在三人之间一直扮演着哥哥的角色,而游手好闲不务正业的刘二索则完全仰仗戴福生的庇护过活。   实际上,慧婷一直默默的爱慕着戴福生,但是慧婷知道,戴福生只是拿自己当做妹妹,对自己的感情只是亲情,而他真正喜欢的,是名为尹雪宜(叶璇 饰)的女子。慧婷决定将这份感情默默的埋藏在心底,转而帮助戴福生出谋划策追求尹雪宜,以成全自己最爱的男人的幸福。



粤语2001 | 共50集
  • 1~10
  • 11~20
  • 21~30
  • 31~40
  • 41~50


When SUNG was still a child, he saw his father died for rescuing people in the fire. Then, he became a orphan and grew up in an orphanage, where he met his two life-long friends, LAU YI SOR and KO WAI TING. They shared their childhood together and built up a very close and intimate relationship. They are like brothers and sisters thereafter and were taken care by Principle TAO. Years later, both SUNG and SOR are working at the same Engineering firm. Owing to the carelessness of SOR, he causes a fire in an examination of elevator. Fortunately, SUNG is efficient to rescue a child named CHU. Afterwards, it is discovered that CHU’s mother is suffered from metal illness. Her illness burst out, when she is forbidden to look after CHU. Hence, she carries CHU to the roof and intends to commit suicide together. At that moment, SUNG, SOR and TING stand out to stop the over reaction of CHU’s mother……



Being as a production assistant, TING is in dilemma to deal with the news. After serious consideration, she decides to wipe off the film and resign. Ironically, TING’s decision has brought in the attention of producer, CHIU. HUNG has lost the gold that she kept at home. She accuses SUNG for stealing it during the chaos in the fire and prosecutes him. On the trial day, SUNG fails to show up in court but searches for CHU everywhere because CHU is missing suddenly. At last, SUNG finds CHU and brings her to visit her mother. It is also the wish of CHU to celebrate her birthday with her mum. In fact, SUNG always remembers the discipline of his father that doing the best of his own to lighten the life of others. TING was adopted and raised up by TONG and PING when she was eight. They both love and take care of TING as their own child. CHIU does not accept the resignation of TING, but promote her to be his assistant……



HUNG knows that SUNG is innocent and decides to withdraw her legal action. SOR has no interest in working at the engineering firm and resign. Though he promises SUNG to seek for another job, he is fooling around instead. SUNG is furious for SOR’s playful attitude and driven him away. Their friendship is broken up. SOR has no place to go and strays in the street. He settles down under a bridge afterwards. SOR thinks of the past and remembers the friendship with SUNG. When they were still small, SUNG always taught him and helped him to obtain good academic results; moreover, once upon a time, SOR had an accident, when he was waiting for his own father, LIK, who promised to take him out for fun. Luckily, SUNG arrived and saved his life. LIK did not keep his promise and never show up, since then, SOR hated his father very much. SOR understands that SUNG is not really disliked with him but wanted him to rectify his bad habits……



LIK searches and finds out where SOR is living. With the consent of SUNG, he moves in and lives with SUNG and SOR. However, SOR ignores him totally. One day, a motor bicycle knocks down LIK. When SOR is seeing the blood spits out from his mouth, he lowers the barricade and cries out father at last. But the relationship does not last long; it ends while SOR discovered that it was a plot played by LIK in order to fool him. SOR feels more disappointed and cannot forgive LIK. There is rumour saying that CHIU often beats his wife, Teresa. One day, Teresa visits CHIU in the TV station. She accused TING is the mistress of CHIU and smashes TING with anger. CHIU apologises for what Teresa has done to TING. Furthermore, he explains that Teresa was once an actor, she retired after marrying to himself. But Teresa becomes raging and violence since her miscarries. TING sympathises for CHIU after hearing the truth……



SUNG recommends JAN to work in the engineering firm, however, JAN is teased by the colleagues for his Chinese background. He is further amused by the colleagues and forced to eat dozen of hamburgers. Just when he is nearly going to throw up, SUNG arrives and takes JAN away. SUNG encourages JAN to live with dignity and pride, thus, no one can discriminate him. On the other hand, SHAN dissatisfies the regulation and principles of the children orphanage and turns away from home. SUNG invites her to live together for a while then. LIK visits his old friend, CHAI, who runs a production house. CHAI recruits LIK to be the star manager. Meanwhile, SUNG asks SHAN to take up the housework harshly. In fact, SUNG wants to discipline SHAN diligently. LIK cooks his traditional dessert for SOR, but SOR does not appreciate his kindness at all and pours it into the drainage. LIK is upset……



To be model, SHAN has to wear the bikini for photo taking; nevertheless, CHAI requests her to wear transparently for better gimmick. Luckily, with the help of LIK, she is able to refuse the job. TING worries that SHAN may be cheated and carried out indecent activities; however, LIK disagrees with her and highly recommend SHAN to see the world and adapt to nowadays society. Actually, it is not just the worry of TING, SUNG also asks LIK to pay more attention to CHAI. And, LIK finally discovers that CHAI has used the computer technique to edit special effects on the photos of SHAN and make SHAN nude in the photographs. Therefore, LIK steals away the photos and brings them home. SUNG and TING smuggled into CHAI’s office and take down his cheating act secretly. They bargain with CHAI and hand in the video in return of SHAN’s floppy disc. SHAN realises her innocent and willing to return to the children orphanage……



SUE is the girlfriend of KEUNG, who is allergic to the weight reduction medicine sold by WAI. Hence, she intends to reckon with WAI. There has been rumour about the metal condition of KEUNG, though TING and CHIU believe in KEUNG, they decide to investigate. YI is helping WAI to promote the medicine; SOR invites SUNG to help her. SUNG is reluctant but he still respects SOR and agrees to do him a favour. Meanwhile, SUNG discovers that YI seduces the hotel manager for an extension of their working hours. YI has given a bad impression to SUNG since then. HUNG’s adopted daughter, KUE introduces LIK to work as a direct sales. In order to earn more money by importing more goods, LIK borrows loans from NAM with the guarantee of KUE. SUNG visits CHU in the children orphanage and meets YI by chance. He finds that YI is totally different, when she plays happily with the children in the lawn. Therefore, SUNG refines his attitude towards YI……



Because of money conflict, LIK and KUE fight with each other at HUNG’s house. Suddenly, the balcony falls down, LIK is slightly injured but KUE hurts seriously and has the possibilities to become paralysis. LIK feels sorry for KUE and he withdraws his accusation on KUE. He broadcasts the tragedy of KUE and gets a lot of sympathies and support. His friends and others agree to forgive KUE and cross-examine the runaway boss too. With the help of KEUNG, TING finally meets SUE. SUE has suffered a emotional disorder and has a serious weight loss of eighty pounds only. However, she still refuses to visit the doctor. The setting in the hotel collapses suddenly, SUNG is hurt because of protecting TING and YI. YI worries that the setting cannot be ready on time because the colleagues of SUNG refuses to work overtime. Therefore, SUNG employs the freelance workers to help, YI is appreciated……



TING is send to the hospital, whilst CHIU reacts anxiously. SOR finds out that CHIU has fallen in love with TING, hence, teases him indirectly. TING is not yet fully recovered, hence, SUNG accompanies her to interview KEUNG. They find out that KEUNG is bribed for not speaking against WAI. SUNG successfully convinces SUE to face herself and the reality. Furthermore, he takes SUE and KEUNG to the press conference at the hotel. Everyone sees SUE is seriously under weight and realises that the medicine has side effects, whilst makes WAI very annoyed. YI also angry with SUNG for ruining the press conference. She takes off her high heel shoe and throws at SUNG. YI is further depressing for her career failure, when she goes home.



Eric is the boss of YI, but he always takes the advantage of the company for his own. Hence, YI make fun of him by tempting him to take off the clothes in the office and embarrass him. KEUNG proposes his love to TING and kisses TING. Thus, Teresa call upon a press conference to announce that intrude of TING ruined her marriage. SOR is strong objected TING develops further relationship with KEUNG, despite SUNG, TONG and PING respect TING’s decision. KUE is invited for a broadcast interview about her story. She says that she went to the South Seas with anger, when she discovered her husband is disloyal to her; but when she returned, she lost the contact of her husband and son already. Her story is very touching indeed. LIK is furious when he discovers that KUE pretends paralysis. However, he thinks of a method to earn money from the people who sympathise KUE……

描述:  戴福生(林家栋 饰)、刘二索(陈浩民 饰)和慧婷(张燊悦 饰)相识于孤儿院中,无依无靠的三人将彼此当做是自己的家人,彼此之间的感情非常亲密。戴福生年长,又乐善好施,因此在三人之间一直扮演着哥哥的角色,而游手好闲不务正业的刘二索则完全仰仗戴福生的庇护过活。   实际上,慧婷一直默默的爱慕着戴福生,但是慧婷知道,戴福生只是拿自己当做妹妹,对自己的感情只是亲情,而他真正喜欢的,是名为尹雪宜(叶璇 饰)的女子。慧婷决定将这份感情默默的埋藏在心底,转而帮助戴福生出谋划策追求尹雪宜,以成全自己最爱的男人的幸福。