


Dave Cote













2024-03-10 共1集



E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 22 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 22 季


2023-01-10 共3集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 22 季




2020-01-05 更新至0集



E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 18 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 18 季


2019-01-06 共3集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 18 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 17 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 17 季


2018-01-07 共3集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 17 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 16 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 16 季


2017-01-08 共3集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 16 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 15 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 15 季


2016-01-10 共4集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 15 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 14 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 14 季


2015-01-07 共3集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 14 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 13 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 13 季


2014-01-12 共3集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 13 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 12 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 12 季


2013-01-13 共5集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 12 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 11 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 11 季


2012-01-11 共6集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 11 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 10 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 10 季


2011-01-16 共4集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 10 季




2010-09-24 共21集

As season nine drew to a close, Clark sacrificed himself to save the world from General Zod. In the tenth and final season, the timeless romance between Clark and Lois romance continues to develop, and Clark will come face-to-face with his destiny as he o


E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 9 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 9 季


2010-01-17 共5集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 9 季





黑夜里,狭窄的小巷中,一个男人被追赶到僻静的角落,发现有一个女乞丐用奇异的眼神审视自己,之后男子面对探头突然眼窝充血,哀号后不省人事。在医院里,由于男子的社会保险过期,所以在大夫斯戴克勒(神奈川宏幸 Hiro Kanagawa 饰)的授意下,他被送到了神秘的F病房。在这里,一位悲痛欲绝的女士见到了自己奄奄一息的丈夫卢克(小库珀•古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr. 饰),后者因遭遇车祸而受伤。不久,卢克身怀有孕的妻子离开了人世,这让他悲伤欲绝。为了查明真相,他开始回忆,把短信、博客、电邮等一系列的存档通通调出来,慢慢地发现了端倪。原来,他的大脑其实被植入了Hexx公司的芯片,后者利用他的生命在做着不可告人的勾当,为了揭穿Hexx公司的丑恶居心,卢克开始了一个人的抗争……





2009-09-25 共21集

Last season, the enticing Tess Mercer maneuvered her way through town, discovered Clark's true identity and unleashed a new world of danger. Clark, he also met his greatest match: Doomsday. When Clark wasn't busy battling the beast, he was knee-deep in wo


E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 8 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 8 季


2009-01-11 共5集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 8 季




2008-09-18 共22集

Last season, Clark Kent and Lex Luthor became sworn enemies and Clark discovered more about his home planet, who his parents were, what his future holds and why he was sent to Earth. In season eight, Clark Kent is now reporter at the Daily Planet who shar






距离电视剧《X档案》改编的第一部电影,已经有十年的时间。这次《X档案2》再次归来,探员穆德与史考莉仍是影片主角,并且两人关系也有了新的进展。   美国弗吉尼亚州发生多起怀孕妇女失踪案件,在当地警方与FBI调查后,最后被草草结案。穆德与史考莉这对搭档得知这起案件后,立刻深入调查,并因此发现背后的恐怖真相……


E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 7 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 7 季


2008-02-10 共4集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 7 季

超人前传 第 7 季

超人前传 第 7 季


2007-09-27 共20集

When Clark's cousin Kara arrives on the scene, Clark advises her to keep a low profile and master her powers, but Kara has other ideas and becomes the focus of Lex Luthor's powerlust. And, there are two Clark Kents: one is the young man whose life in a ti

超人前传 第 7 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 6 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 6 季


2007-01-15 共5集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 6 季




2006-09-28 共22集

Clark manages to escape from the Phantom Zone with the help of an unexpected ally. He subsequently sets out on a mission to hunt down the dangerous prisoners who followed him to Earth. Adding to Clark's troubles, there is a new vigilante in town who goes


E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 5 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 5 季


2006-01-16 共5集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 5 季

超人前传 第 5 季

超人前传 第 5 季


2005-09-29 共22集

Clark Kent now carries a full load of classes at Central Kansas University, but that's not all he carries. He carries the full weight of his - perhaps the world's - destiny. In season five, Clark finally begins to accept his destiny and takes giant leaps

超人前传 第 5 季




2004-09-22 共22集

Clark Kent will have plenty of reasons to remember his senior year! Lois Lane — smart, opinionated and entirely annoying to Clark — arrives in Smallville to look investigate the death of her cousin. Lana gets a new older boyfriend. Clark decides to go ag





2003-10-01 共22集

Everyone has a future. Clark Kent has a destiny — if he’s willing to accept it and to master all the awesome powers and responsibilities that come with it. In an event-packed third season, the fascinating reinterpretation of the Superman mythology and it





2002-09-24 共23集

The legend continues to grow stronger in the second super season of Smallville. Throughout the season’s twenty-three episodes, Clark Kent grapples with his calling as he explores his true origins: was he sent to Earth to save humanity or destroy it? Ami


E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 4 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 4 季


2002-01-13 共0集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 4 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 2 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 2 季


2002-01-13 共0集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 2 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 3 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 3 季


2002-01-13 共0集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 3 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 1 季

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 1 季


2002-01-13 共2集

The pre-show to the major award shows that airs on E! Entertainment Television. Live From the Red Carpet covers celebrity arrivals and gets you right up for a first-row seat to see the stars and all the excitement with live coverage of the fashion, flair,

E! Live from the Red Carpet 第 1 季




2001-10-16 共21集

Between the boy Clark Kent thought he was and the man he is destined to become lie the compelling stories of Smallville, the popular action series that reimagines the Superman saga from its roots.
