







又名:루카 아르젠테로



国籍:意大利 生日:1978年4月12日 星座:牡羊座 出生地:意大利的Torino 身高:1米85 职业:模特、演员 眉宇间散发着迷人风采的Luca Argentero,大学时代主修经济与商业,毕业后即投身于电视剧【Grande Fratello】的演出。自此,俊俏的阿根提诺名声大开;同时,他也开始加入模特儿的表演行列。2006年,阿根提诺拍摄电影处女作【Quarto sesso, II】,【炽爱】则是他的第三部电影作品,2010年在【Eat Pray Love】中饰演乔瓦尼一角。出道前曾在伦敦做过酒保、服务员。曾两度演出gay角色《炽爱》和《我与谁不同》。 凭借同志喜剧《我与谁不同》荣获意大利大卫奖最佳男主角提名。





2024-05-06 共6集



Sanremo Music Festival 第 74 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 74 季


2024-02-06 更新至0集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 74 季




2024-01-11 更新至8集



Sanremo Music Festival 第 73 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 73 季


2023-02-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 73 季

I migliori giorni

I migliori giorni




I migliori giorni

名人潜行追踪(意大利版) 第 3 季

名人潜行追踪(意大利版) 第 3 季


2022-11-17 共6集


名人潜行追踪(意大利版) 第 3 季




2022-04-13 共8集







In Rome, the Cassamortari are people who work in the funeral business. The Pasti family's agency was founded by Giuseppe, who is willing to do anything to turn a corpse into money, preferably in black.


Sanremo Music Festival 第 72 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 72 季


2022-02-01 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 72 季




2022-01-13 共16集

When Doctor Andrea Fanti loses 12 years of memories from a brain injury, he finds himself adjusting to a world full of strangers.


C'è posta per te 第 25 季

C'è posta per te 第 25 季


2022-01-08 共1集


C'è posta per te 第 25 季





Three years after her relationship with Giovanni, Monica is in prison and has to ask his ex for help.


名人潜行追踪(意大利版) 第 2 季

名人潜行追踪(意大利版) 第 2 季


2021-06-18 共6集


名人潜行追踪(意大利版) 第 2 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 71 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 71 季


2021-03-02 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 71 季




2020-03-26 共16集

When Doctor Andrea Fanti loses 12 years of memories from a brain injury, he finds himself adjusting to a world full of strangers.


名人潜行追踪(意大利版) 第 1 季

名人潜行追踪(意大利版) 第 1 季


2020-03-13 共6集


名人潜行追踪(意大利版) 第 1 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 70 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 70 季


2020-02-04 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 70 季

About Max

About Max



The intimate and passionate portrait of the late Max Croci in a documentary that recalls the human and cultural depth with the testimonies of friends and colleagues.

About Max

Good Gals

Good Gals



The story of a gang of French female robbers disguised as men, who operated in the Avignon area in the mid-1980s.

Good Gals





Discover Leonardo da Vinci, the man, the painter, the scientist and the inventor, through a unique, engaging and fascinating journey in the mind of Leonardo.






Despite his adult age, Anselmo behaves like a child and takes up the role of a superhero called "Copperman."


Sanremo Music Festival 第 69 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 69 季


2019-02-05 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 69 季





A group of swingers decide to spend New Year's Eve in a chalet. Their goal is to welcome the new year in a very original way: having an orgy.








Sanremo Music Festival 第 68 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 68 季


2018-02-06 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 68 季




2017-10-26 共12集







The story of four inmates during their 48 hours furlough, of their reality and how it has brought them behind bars. The characters are described with realism, with their contradictions, their desperation, the temptation of an escape, but the cornerstone o


Sanremo Music Festival 第 67 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 67 季


2017-02-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 67 季

Al posto tuo

Al posto tuo



Two very different men have something in common: the work. When their companies are bought by a bigger one, who will take the only place of boss of the new company?

Al posto tuo

Sanremo Music Festival 第 66 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 66 季


2016-02-09 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 66 季

Vacanze ai Caraibi - Il film di Natale

Vacanze ai Caraibi - Il film di Natale



While on holiday in the Caribbean, a bankrupt family pins their hopes on a rich man, two strangers fall in lust, and a technophile gets shipwrecked.

Vacanze ai Caraibi - Il film di Natale











Five down-on-their luck strangers meet by chance while looking at a property in the country none of them are able to afford. They decide to join forces and risk everything to turn it into a B&B, only for the local mafia to show up demanding their "fair" s


Sanremo Music Festival 第 65 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 65 季


2015-02-10 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 65 季





A funny story about two brothers, Pietro and Francesco, and what happens with them and their families after Petro loses his memory.


Sanremo Music Festival 第 64 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 64 季


2014-02-18 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 64 季













Sanremo Music Festival 第 63 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 63 季


2013-02-12 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 63 季





Andrea is having a bad luck with girls. Maybe because he's only man in his big family which include mother, three sisters, grandma, nurse and a dog which is of course female also.






在这场史诗般的搞笑动画冒险中,一位新英雄诞生了! 蒂莫,角斗士队的学生? 罗马学院的他并不想成为像继父一样的传奇角斗士。 直到迷人的露西拉走进他的生活。 在一群意想不到的伙伴的帮助下,蒂莫决心成为她梦想中的角斗士,并踏上充满动作的旅程,成为罗马斗兽场的第一位胜利者!






就在警长马泰伊要抓获一个臭名昭著的银行抢劫团伙的关键时刻,躲在屋顶上负责掩护的罪犯狙击手,一个人就射杀了一队警察,使得他的同伙逃跑了。倒霉的是,其中一名罪犯受了重伤,他们接下来的计划也受到了影响。而同时马泰伊组织了庞大的追捕,这个犯罪团伙开始陷入了一个真正的地狱。本片由三次获金狮奖提名的意大利著名导演 米歇尔·普拉西多(《恶之花》《伟大的梦想》)执导,两位法国影星丹尼尔.奥图(《两捕曲》)、马修.卡索维茨(《赤色追辑令》)合演,共同演绎了一段警匪间的猫鼠游戏。


Sanremo Music Festival 第 62 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 62 季


2012-02-14 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 62 季







Sanremo Music Festival 第 61 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 61 季


2011-02-15 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 61 季











Longtime Italian cinema star Stefania Sandrelli (The First Beautiful Thing) is Alba, the mother of two very different adult sons. While Giorgio is a playboy who constantly cheats on his wife, Leonardo (Luca Argentero, Eat Pray Love) is always unlucky in l






年轻干练的伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)是《纽约时报》的一名人气作家,她经常周游世界,撰写相关的旅游文章。她的生活同样令人欣羡,身为律师的丈夫史蒂芬(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)帅气潇洒、气质不凡;饮食无忧、优哉安乐。然而伊丽莎白却渐渐感到空虚和恐慌,似乎着周遭的一切都不是她真正追求的。伊丽莎白决定走出变质的婚姻,寻找自我。在漫长的离婚拉锯战后,她踏上了周游世界的旅途,在美食、祈祷和恋爱中,认真地思考人生的种种……本片根据伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特(Elizabeth Gilbert)的同名自传改编,著名影星布莱德•彼特担任该片制片人。


Sanremo Music Festival 第 60 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 60 季


2010-02-16 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 60 季





Italy, 1968. Aspiring actor Nicola enrolls in the police to pay for his studies, ending up undercover among college students protesting the government, the Vietnam War and the values of their parents' generation. However, he complicates his mission by fal






Nicola, a policeman in Puglia, is a reformed ladies' man with his heart set on marrying the daughter of the Indian ambassador.






PIERO和REMO共同生活14年了,是一对恩爱幸福的同性伴侣。PIERO阴差阳错的参加了市长的竞选。在拉选票活动中被安排了ADELE作为助手。开始时,两个人关系很糟糕。但是在REMO的建议下,两人的关系开始改善。并且似乎有了感觉,问题于是也就一点点地出现了。身为GAY形象代言人的他和 14的人生伴侣何去何从……直人,同志,双性恋,到底与谁不同?!


Sanremo Music Festival 第 59 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 59 季


2009-02-17 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 59 季







宪兵队的故事 第 7 季

宪兵队的故事 第 7 季


2008-03-18 共28集

Carabinieri is an Italian television series that aired on Canale 5 from March 2002 to July 30, 2008. The series is an action thriller with added elements of comedy, and has been compared to the soap opera format. It told the story of the police barracks l

宪兵队的故事 第 7 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 58 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 58 季


2008-02-25 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 58 季







宪兵队的故事 第 6 季

宪兵队的故事 第 6 季


2007-03-07 共26集

Carabinieri is an Italian television series that aired on Canale 5 from March 2002 to July 30, 2008. The series is an action thriller with added elements of comedy, and has been compared to the soap opera format. It told the story of the police barracks l

宪兵队的故事 第 6 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 57 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 57 季


2007-02-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 57 季





安东尼欧(斯蒂芬努·阿科西 Stefano Accorsi 饰)和安吉里卡(马吉莉塔·贝 Margherita Buy 饰)是一对恩爱多年的夫妻,可是就在最近,安吉里卡发现了安东尼欧的不忠,而后者似乎有意结束两人之间的婚姻关系。作为两人最好的朋友,同性恋人洛伦佐(路卡·阿根提洛 Luca Argentero 饰)和戴维德(皮尔弗朗西斯科·法维诺 Pierfrancesco Favino 饰)不知该如何安慰心碎的安吉里卡,同时,他们两人之间,亦有无法解决的问题。


Sanremo Music Festival 第 56 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 56 季


2006-02-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 56 季

宪兵队的故事 第 5 季

宪兵队的故事 第 5 季


2006-01-17 共24集

Carabinieri is an Italian television series that aired on Canale 5 from March 2002 to July 30, 2008. The series is an action thriller with added elements of comedy, and has been compared to the soap opera format. It told the story of the police barracks l

宪兵队的故事 第 5 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 55 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 55 季


2005-03-01 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 55 季

宪兵队的故事 第 4 季

宪兵队的故事 第 4 季


2005-02-15 共24集

Carabinieri is an Italian television series that aired on Canale 5 from March 2002 to July 30, 2008. The series is an action thriller with added elements of comedy, and has been compared to the soap opera format. It told the story of the police barracks l

宪兵队的故事 第 4 季

宪兵队的故事 第 3 季

宪兵队的故事 第 3 季


2004-03-09 共24集

Carabinieri is an Italian television series that aired on Canale 5 from March 2002 to July 30, 2008. The series is an action thriller with added elements of comedy, and has been compared to the soap opera format. It told the story of the police barracks l

宪兵队的故事 第 3 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 54 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 54 季


2004-03-02 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 54 季

宪兵队的故事 第 2 季

宪兵队的故事 第 2 季


2003-03-11 共24集

Carabinieri is an Italian television series that aired on Canale 5 from March 2002 to July 30, 2008. The series is an action thriller with added elements of comedy, and has been compared to the soap opera format. It told the story of the police barracks l

宪兵队的故事 第 2 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 53 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 53 季


2003-03-04 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 53 季

宪兵队的故事 第 1 季

宪兵队的故事 第 1 季


2002-03-12 共24集

Carabinieri is an Italian television series that aired on Canale 5 from March 2002 to July 30, 2008. The series is an action thriller with added elements of comedy, and has been compared to the soap opera format. It told the story of the police barracks l

宪兵队的故事 第 1 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 52 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 52 季


2002-03-05 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 52 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 51 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 51 季


2001-02-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 51 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 50 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 50 季


2000-02-21 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 50 季

C'è posta per te 第 1 季

C'è posta per te 第 1 季


2000-01-12 共1集


C'è posta per te 第 1 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 49 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 49 季


1999-02-23 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 49 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 48 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 48 季


1998-02-24 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 48 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 47 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 47 季


1997-02-18 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 47 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 46 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 46 季


1996-02-20 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 46 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 45 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 45 季


1995-02-21 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 45 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 44 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 44 季


1994-02-23 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 44 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 43 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 43 季


1993-02-23 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 43 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 42 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 42 季


1992-02-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 42 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 41 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 41 季


1991-02-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 41 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 40 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 40 季


1990-02-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 40 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 39 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 39 季


1989-02-21 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 39 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 38 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 38 季


1988-02-24 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 38 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 37 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 37 季


1987-02-04 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 37 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 36 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 36 季


1986-02-13 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 36 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 35 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 35 季


1985-02-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 35 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 34 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 34 季


1984-02-02 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 34 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 33 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 33 季


1983-02-03 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 33 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 32 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 32 季


1982-01-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 32 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 31 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 31 季


1981-02-05 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 31 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 30 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 30 季


1980-02-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 30 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 29 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 29 季


1979-01-11 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 29 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 28 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 28 季


1978-01-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 28 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 27 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 27 季


1977-03-03 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 27 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 26 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 26 季


1976-02-19 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 26 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 25 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 25 季


1975-02-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 25 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 24 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 24 季


1974-03-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 24 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 23 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 23 季


1973-03-08 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 23 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 22 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 22 季


1972-02-24 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 22 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 21 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 21 季


1971-02-25 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 21 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 20 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 20 季


1970-02-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 20 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 19 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 19 季


1969-01-30 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 19 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 18 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 18 季


1968-02-01 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 18 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 17 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 17 季


1967-01-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 17 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 16 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 16 季


1966-01-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 16 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 15 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 15 季


1965-01-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 15 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 14 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 14 季


1964-01-30 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 14 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 13 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 13 季


1963-02-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 13 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 12 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 12 季


1962-02-08 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 12 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 11 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 11 季


1961-01-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 11 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 10 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 10 季


1960-01-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 10 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 9 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 9 季


1959-01-29 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 9 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 8 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 8 季


1958-01-30 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 8 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 7 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 7 季


1957-01-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 7 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 6 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 6 季


1956-03-08 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 6 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 5 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 5 季


1955-01-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 5 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 4 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 4 季


1954-01-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 4 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 3 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 3 季


1953-01-29 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 3 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 2 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 2 季


1952-01-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 2 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 1 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 1 季


1951-01-29 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 1 季