


Claire Wikholm




出生地: Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden









2023-12-30 共5集



Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 17 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 17 季


2022-12-30 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 17 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 16 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 16 季


2022-01-01 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 16 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 15 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 15 季


2021-01-02 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 15 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 14 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 14 季


2019-12-28 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 14 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 13 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 13 季


2018-12-29 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 13 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 12 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 12 季


2017-12-30 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 12 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 11 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 11 季


2017-01-01 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 11 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 8 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 8 季


2013-12-28 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 8 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 7 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 7 季


2011-12-29 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 7 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 6 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 6 季


2011-12-25 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 6 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 5 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 5 季


2010-12-25 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 5 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 4 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 4 季


2009-12-27 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 4 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 3 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 3 季


2008-12-25 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 3 季





本片是瑞典史上首位女性摄影师玛丽亚·拉森的传记片。20世纪初的瑞典,社会动荡,物质生活与精神生活双双匮乏。玛丽亚(Maria Heiskanen 玛丽亚·海斯卡尼 饰)是个普普通通的家庭主妇,操持着一个并不富裕的家,一次偶然的博彩,让她中了一台相机,她的人生就此改变。她开始偷偷学习拍照,并对此非常着迷,她拍下孩子成长的 样子,随手发现的美景,慢慢的,她开始有能力为邻居拍照,赚点钱,他们也对照片特别满意,国王来访时,她也被请去拍照……当然,这一切要背着她的酒鬼丈夫。经常冲印照片令玛丽亚与当地小照相馆老板佩特森(Jesper Christensen 饰)熟悉起来,他是她的伯乐,一直称赞她的天赋,鼓励她拍下去,二人产生淡淡的情愫,最终发乎情止乎礼,湮没在时光里,唯有玛丽亚拍下的美妙照片,至今留存……


Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 2 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 2 季


2007-12-26 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 2 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 9 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 9 季


2006-01-01 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 9 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 10 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 10 季


2006-01-01 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 10 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 1 季

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 1 季


2006-01-01 共5集

Five celebrities spend five days together on a castle somewhere in Sweden. Each episode (or day) centres around one of them. This person decides what to to and eat. The others get the chance to ask questions about this persons life and career.

Stjärnorna På Slottet 第 1 季

1985 - Vad hände katten i råttans år?

1985 - Vad hände katten i råttans år?




1985 - Vad hände katten i råttans år?