







又名: კიმ როსი სტიუარტი,Kim Rossi-Stuart,Kim Stuart,Ким Росси Стюарт


家庭成员:Ettore(子) / Ilaria Spada(未婚妻) / Ian(子)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kim Rossi Stuart (born 31 October 1969) is an Italian actor and director. Description above from the Wikipedia article Kim Rossi Stuart, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


2021 第66届意大利大卫奖 最佳男主角(提名) 终将光明

2011 第55届意大利大卫奖 最佳男主角(提名) 罪恶天使

2006 第59届戛纳电影节 国际艺术院线协会奖 屋顶上的童年时光


Sanremo Music Festival 第 74 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 74 季


2024-02-06 更新至0集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 74 季




2023-10-12 共8集



Sanremo Music Festival 第 73 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 73 季


2023-02-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 73 季







Sanremo Music Festival 第 72 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 72 季


2022-02-01 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 72 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 71 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 71 季


2021-03-02 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 71 季





导演法兰西索柯布鲁尼改编亲身经历的动人故事,。 Bruno发现自己罹患白血病,他找到一位优秀血液学家告诉他康复之道:找到配对相符的干细胞捐赠赠者。在几次失败的尝试后,Bruno逐渐失去信心,直到父亲揭露了一个家族秘密,给他带来了新希望。 Bruno和家人以幽默和自信面对疾病,踏上了意想不到的重生之旅,不只改变了家庭关系,也了解到「一切都会好好的」。








Sanremo Music Festival 第 70 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 70 季


2020-02-04 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 70 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 69 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 69 季


2019-02-05 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 69 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 68 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 68 季


2018-02-06 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 68 季




2017-05-08 共8集

上世纪70年代,一个精炼海洛因的犯罪网络将其中心从法国马赛转移到了意大利西西里,相关犯罪集团也开始对西西里展开渗透,而西西里,正是世界上最大规模的犯罪集团--意大利黑手党的老巢所在。 达里奥·莫提斯是罗马毒品犯罪调查科的高级警探,精明强干的外表下却背负着7岁那年同为警察的父亲黯然离世所造成的心理创伤,这使得他选择离开自己的家乡--西西里。 直到某一天,达里奥收到了一个来自家乡的婚礼邀请-那是自己的童年好友,这封仿佛命运之手的邀请信,推动了达里奥一直试图逃离的宿命之轮。 回到家乡的第一天,自己的好友和其


Sanremo Music Festival 第 67 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 67 季


2017-02-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 67 季







Sanremo Music Festival 第 66 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 66 季


2016-02-09 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 66 季





  《十日谈》是包揽戛纳金棕榈奖、威尼斯金狮奖、柏林金熊奖的意大利国宝级导演——塔维亚尼兄弟(Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani)继《凯撒必须死》之后的最新力作。影片利用新颖的电影创作手法重新演绎了世界文学名著《十日谈》,使电影故事充满了超现实主义的诗意。塔维亚尼兄弟恰到好处地掘取了《十日谈》故事中的精华并予以独具匠心的雕琢,保留了人文主义思想的核心,赞美爱情是才华和高尚情操的源泉,将影片主旨设定在“爱情与生命之美”,并用沉静、自然与美丽的故事核心,探讨并化解当代青年人的面对生存艰难时的恐惧。   影片在场景及角色上也进行了深思熟虑的设计,使文学元素充分融入到画面及观影氛围中。来自曾凭《凯撒必须死》摘下柏林金熊奖的团队摄影师为影片带来了简明的影像风格,使之拥有紧凑、严谨的视觉体系。影片囊括了大批出色的意大利大牌与新秀卡司,演员生动的表演与塔维亚尼兄弟精良的电影制作水准,使该片在意大利本土一经上映,便获得了权威媒体与本土观众的一致认可。


Sanremo Music Festival 第 65 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 65 季


2015-02-10 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 65 季





在结婚之前,人人都觉得尼诺(吉姆·罗斯·斯图尔特 Kim Rossi Stuart 饰)和亚里安(热拉尔丁·纳卡什 Géraldine Nakache 饰)会组成一个非常幸福的家庭,因为两个人的性格实在是太合拍了。可是一晃眼五年过去,他们的婚姻却即将走到尽头,因为在这五年里,两个人都埋首于各自的工作之中,团圆的日子屈指可数。


Sanremo Music Festival 第 64 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 64 季


2014-02-18 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 64 季







Sanremo Music Festival 第 63 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 63 季


2013-02-12 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 63 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 62 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 62 季


2012-02-14 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 62 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 61 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 61 季


2011-02-15 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 61 季







Sanremo Music Festival 第 60 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 60 季


2010-02-16 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 60 季







Sanremo Music Festival 第 59 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 59 季


2009-02-17 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 59 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 58 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 58 季


2008-02-25 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 58 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 57 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 57 季


2007-02-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 57 季





A young father and his two children struggle to find harmony after his wife leaves them for another man.


Sanremo Music Festival 第 56 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 56 季


2006-02-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 56 季





After serving prison time for a juvenile offense, Freddo gathers his old buddies Libano and Dandi and embarks on a crime spree that makes the trio the most powerful gangsters in Rome. Libano loves their new status, and seeks to spread their influence thro


Sanremo Music Festival 第 55 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 55 季


2005-03-01 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 55 季





人头攒动的火车站里,一名男子的身影显得格外突兀,男子名叫杰尼(吉姆·罗斯·斯图尔特 Kim Rossi Stuart 饰),此刻,他正焦虑又激动的等待着他素未谋面的儿子保罗(安德烈·罗西 Andrea Rossi 饰)。保罗天生带有残疾,杰尼此次的目的就是带领保罗去接受更好的治疗。


Sanremo Music Festival 第 54 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 54 季


2004-03-02 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 54 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 53 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 53 季


2003-03-04 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 53 季





盖比特(Carlo Giuffrè 饰)是一位经验丰富的老木匠,在他漫长的一生中,创作了无数鬼斧神工般的出色艺术品,但匹诺曹(罗伯托·贝尼尼 Roberto Benigni 饰),这个活灵活现的木偶男孩,则凝聚了他毕生全部的心血与期望。


Sanremo Music Festival 第 52 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 52 季


2002-03-05 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 52 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 51 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 51 季


2001-02-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 51 季




2001-02-05 共2集



Sanremo Music Festival 第 50 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 50 季


2000-02-21 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 50 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 49 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 49 季


1999-02-23 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 49 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 48 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 48 季


1998-02-24 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 48 季




1997-12-22 共2集

故事发生在法国一个偏僻的小镇上,我们的主人公于连(吉姆·罗斯·斯图尔特 Kim Rossi Stuart 饰)就出生在那里。身处乱世,于连从小就有远大的理想,虽然出生卑微,但他仍怀有着挤进上流社会的幻想,并为此不断的做着努力。   19岁之时,于连成为了市长雷纳尔(贝尔纳·维尔莱 Bernard Verley 饰)家的家庭教师并和市长夫人路易斯(卡洛尔·布盖 Carole Bouquet 饰)之间产生了暧昧关系,东窗事发后,于连被迫离开了小城。几经波折,于连成为了拉莫尔侯爵(克劳德·里奇 Claude Rich 饰)的私人秘书,侯爵的女儿马蒂尔德(朱迪丝·哥德雷科 Judith Godrèche 饰)爱上了于连。从马蒂尔德身上,于连看到了飞黄腾达的希望,然而,路易斯的一封信揭露了于连灰暗的过去,并将他的希望彻底打碎


Sanremo Music Festival 第 47 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 47 季


1997-02-18 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 47 季

Fantaghirò 第 5 季

Fantaghirò 第 5 季


1996-12-20 共2集

The king desires nothing more than a male heir. But his wife gives birth to a girl Fantaghiró. When she refuses to marry years later, she is sent in the forest where she learns how to ride and fight like a man. She appears disguised in a duel with Prin

Fantaghirò 第 5 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 46 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 46 季


1996-02-20 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 46 季





① 费拿拉小镇,工程师斯瓦诺(Kim Rossi Stuart 饰)邂逅了女教师卡门(Inés Sastre 饰),他们一见钟情,卡门却拒绝了斯瓦诺的吻。当他们三年后再次相遇时,斯瓦诺则在肉欲面前止步。 ② 海滨小城,某导演(John Malkovich 饰)信步游荡时遇到了美丽的女子(Sophie Marceau 苏菲•玛索 饰)。她向导演坦白曾亲手杀害自己的父亲。他们并未因此疏远,反而缱绻缠绵。 ③ 巴黎,妻子离开不忠的丈夫,寻找租房时遇到了失去妻子的卡罗(Jean Reno 饰),他们似乎找到了共通的心绪。 ④ 英俊的男孩爱上了一个姑娘(Irène Jacob 饰),他尾随、表白,却得知她将要把自己献给上帝。 本片荣获1996年意大利电影新闻记者协会银丝带奖最佳编曲、1995年威尼斯电影节费比西奖。


Fare un film è per me vivere

Fare un film è per me vivere




Fare un film è per me vivere

Sanremo Music Festival 第 45 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 45 季


1995-02-21 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 45 季







Fantaghirò 第 4 季

Fantaghirò 第 4 季


1994-12-19 共2集

The king desires nothing more than a male heir. But his wife gives birth to a girl Fantaghiró. When she refuses to marry years later, she is sent in the forest where she learns how to ride and fight like a man. She appears disguised in a duel with Prin

Fantaghirò 第 4 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 44 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 44 季


1994-02-23 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 44 季

Fantaghirò 第 3 季

Fantaghirò 第 3 季


1993-12-20 共2集

The king desires nothing more than a male heir. But his wife gives birth to a girl Fantaghiró. When she refuses to marry years later, she is sent in the forest where she learns how to ride and fight like a man. She appears disguised in a duel with Prin

Fantaghirò 第 3 季

金玫瑰洞 3

金玫瑰洞 3




金玫瑰洞 3

Sanremo Music Festival 第 43 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 43 季


1993-02-23 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 43 季

Fantaghirò 第 2 季

Fantaghirò 第 2 季


1992-12-20 共2集

The king desires nothing more than a male heir. But his wife gives birth to a girl Fantaghiró. When she refuses to marry years later, she is sent in the forest where she learns how to ride and fight like a man. She appears disguised in a duel with Prin

Fantaghirò 第 2 季

金玫瑰洞 2

金玫瑰洞 2




金玫瑰洞 2

Sanremo Music Festival 第 42 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 42 季


1992-02-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 42 季





公主范塔戈萝(亚历桑德拉·马提尼斯 Alessandra Martines 饰)倔强而美丽,相较于她的两个姐姐,范塔戈萝显得无所畏惧又坚强好胜。她跟随白衣女巫(安吉拉·摩琳娜 Ángela Molina 饰)学习剑术,希望像男人一样战斗,可以有朝一日保卫国家,为人民带来和平。然而她的父王(马里奥·阿多夫 Mario Adorf 饰)却一直希望能由一个王子来继承王位,怎奈王后生完范塔戈萝后就死去了。在学剑的魔法丛林,范塔戈萝邂逅了敌国的国王罗莫尔多(吉姆·罗斯·斯图尔特 Kim Rossi Stuart 饰)。罗莫尔多被这位神秘的女子迷住了,他深深地爱上了范塔戈萝的双眼。然而两国间旷日持久的战争还是爆发了,为了保卫她的国家和人民,范塔戈萝身披战袍女扮男装踏上了征程。就在兵戎相见的一刻,罗莫尔多认出了这双深恋已久的双眼。


Fantaghirò 第 1 季

Fantaghirò 第 1 季


1991-12-22 共2集

The king desires nothing more than a male heir. But his wife gives birth to a girl Fantaghiró. When she refuses to marry years later, she is sent in the forest where she learns how to ride and fight like a man. She appears disguised in a duel with Prin

Fantaghirò 第 1 季




1991-06-22 共13集



Sanremo Music Festival 第 41 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 41 季


1991-02-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 41 季




1990-12-14 共4集



Sanremo Music Festival 第 40 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 40 季


1990-02-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 40 季

Obbligo di Giocare - Zugzwang

Obbligo di Giocare - Zugzwang




Obbligo di Giocare - Zugzwang

Sanremo Music Festival 第 39 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 39 季


1989-02-21 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 39 季





After studying martial arts in the Philippines and defeating his opponent Quino, Anthony Scott heads back to the U.S. to attend college. Making the promise to his teacher that he will not fight, Anthony finds himself the target of the Tigers, a local mart


Sanremo Music Festival 第 38 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 38 季


1988-02-24 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 38 季







Sanremo Music Festival 第 37 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 37 季


1987-02-04 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 37 季







Sanremo Music Festival 第 36 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 36 季


1986-02-13 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 36 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 35 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 35 季


1985-02-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 35 季




1984-10-08 共10集



Sanremo Music Festival 第 34 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 34 季


1984-02-02 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 34 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 33 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 33 季


1983-02-03 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 33 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 32 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 32 季


1982-01-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 32 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 31 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 31 季


1981-02-05 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 31 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 30 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 30 季


1980-02-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 30 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 29 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 29 季


1979-01-11 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 29 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 28 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 28 季


1978-01-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 28 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 27 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 27 季


1977-03-03 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 27 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 26 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 26 季


1976-02-19 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 26 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 25 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 25 季


1975-02-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 25 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 24 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 24 季


1974-03-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 24 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 23 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 23 季


1973-03-08 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 23 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 22 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 22 季


1972-02-24 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 22 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 21 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 21 季


1971-02-25 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 21 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 20 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 20 季


1970-02-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 20 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 19 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 19 季


1969-01-30 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 19 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 18 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 18 季


1968-02-01 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 18 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 17 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 17 季


1967-01-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 17 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 16 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 16 季


1966-01-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 16 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 15 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 15 季


1965-01-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 15 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 14 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 14 季


1964-01-30 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 14 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 13 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 13 季


1963-02-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 13 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 12 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 12 季


1962-02-08 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 12 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 11 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 11 季


1961-01-26 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 11 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 10 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 10 季


1960-01-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 10 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 9 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 9 季


1959-01-29 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 9 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 8 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 8 季


1958-01-30 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 8 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 7 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 7 季


1957-01-07 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 7 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 6 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 6 季


1956-03-08 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 6 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 5 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 5 季


1955-01-27 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 5 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 4 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 4 季


1954-01-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 4 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 3 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 3 季


1953-01-29 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 3 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 2 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 2 季


1952-01-28 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 2 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 1 季

Sanremo Music Festival 第 1 季


1951-01-29 共5集

The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision

Sanremo Music Festival 第 1 季