


Lydia Andrei





又名:Lydia Andreï








2024-06-29 更新至0集



城堡探险 第 34 季

城堡探险 第 34 季


2023-07-01 共9集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 34 季

城堡探险 第 33 季

城堡探险 第 33 季


2022-07-02 共9集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 33 季

城堡探险 第 32 季

城堡探险 第 32 季


2021-06-19 共11集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 32 季

城堡探险 第 31 季

城堡探险 第 31 季


2020-07-11 共11集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 31 季

城堡探险 第 30 季

城堡探险 第 30 季


2019-06-22 共11集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 30 季

城堡探险 第 29 季

城堡探险 第 29 季


2018-06-23 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 29 季

城堡探险 第 28 季

城堡探险 第 28 季


2017-06-24 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 28 季

城堡探险 第 27 季

城堡探险 第 27 季


2016-07-02 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 27 季

城堡探险 第 26 季

城堡探险 第 26 季


2015-06-27 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 26 季

城堡探险 第 25 季

城堡探险 第 25 季


2014-06-28 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 25 季

城堡探险 第 24 季

城堡探险 第 24 季


2013-07-06 共9集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 24 季

城堡探险 第 23 季

城堡探险 第 23 季


2012-07-07 共11集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 23 季

城堡探险 第 22 季

城堡探险 第 22 季


2011-07-02 共7集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 22 季

城堡探险 第 21 季

城堡探险 第 21 季


2010-07-10 共7集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 21 季

城堡探险 第 20 季

城堡探险 第 20 季


2009-06-27 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 20 季

城堡探险 第 19 季

城堡探险 第 19 季


2008-07-05 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 19 季





在遥远的美国西部,有一个偏僻但迷人的小城 ,虽已是南北战争结束,但白人与印第安人的关系依然是剑拔弩张。一次,印第安人的大规模袭击,使大城市引起了巨大的恐慌,男人和女人纷纷拿起了枪支准备和印第安人决一死战,整个小城一下子变得空荡荡的,只剩下了孩子们,天渐 渐黑了,可是家长们依然没回来,原来由于印第安人人多势众,所有的家长都被俘虏并囚禁了,此时的大城市便变成了孩子的乐园,整座小城变得混乱无序,然而后来在因喝醉酒而没上战场的唯一一个成年人泰勒先生的指挥下,孩子们纷纷担任起了自己父母的职位,大城市似乎又恢复了往日的宁静,然而好景不长,不久,原本属于成年人的勾心斗角尔虞我诈却随着生活的迈进而渐渐在孩子们的心灵中衍生出来…………


城堡探险 第 18 季

城堡探险 第 18 季


2007-06-23 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 18 季

城堡探险 第 17 季

城堡探险 第 17 季


2006-06-24 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 17 季

城堡探险 第 16 季

城堡探险 第 16 季


2005-06-25 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 16 季

城堡探险 第 15 季

城堡探险 第 15 季


2004-06-19 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 15 季

城堡探险 第 14 季

城堡探险 第 14 季


2003-06-28 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 14 季

城堡探险 第 13 季

城堡探险 第 13 季


2002-06-29 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 13 季

城堡探险 第 12 季

城堡探险 第 12 季


2001-06-23 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 12 季





安德烈(雅克·迪特隆 Jacques Dutronc 饰)和妻子丽斯贝斯带着儿子吉列姆(Rodolphe Pauly 饰)前往巴黎,因为经济拮据,一家人暂时住在好友米卡(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)家中,米卡热情的接纳了三人。某日,丽斯贝斯驱车参加晚会,途中遭遇车祸不幸身亡,而法医鉴定出车祸当晚,丽斯贝斯服用了大量安眠药,这一结果成为了笼罩在吉列姆心头的阴影,因为他怀疑母亲的死并非一场意外。


城堡探险 第 11 季

城堡探险 第 11 季


2000-06-24 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 11 季

城堡探险 第 10 季

城堡探险 第 10 季


1999-06-26 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 10 季

城堡探险 第 9 季

城堡探险 第 9 季


1998-07-04 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 9 季

城堡探险 第 8 季

城堡探险 第 8 季


1997-06-28 共16集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 8 季

城堡探险 第 7 季

城堡探险 第 7 季


1996-06-22 共18集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 7 季

城堡探险 第 6 季

城堡探险 第 6 季


1995-07-08 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 6 季

城堡探险 第 5 季

城堡探险 第 5 季


1994-07-02 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 5 季

城堡探险 第 4 季

城堡探险 第 4 季


1993-06-30 共10集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 4 季

城堡探险 第 3 季

城堡探险 第 3 季


1992-07-10 共17集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 3 季

城堡探险 第 2 季

城堡探险 第 2 季


1991-06-28 共27集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 2 季

城堡探险 第 1 季

城堡探险 第 1 季


1990-07-07 共15集

A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.

城堡探险 第 1 季