


Bekir Aslantaş










Çingene Kızı: Zeugma

Çingene Kızı: Zeugma




Çingene Kızı: Zeugma

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 10 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 10 季


2015-09-16 共37集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 10 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 9 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 9 季


2014-09-17 共34集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 9 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 8 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 8 季


2013-09-11 共34集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 8 季





  为了弥合与家人的鸿沟,前中情局特工布莱恩·米尔斯(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)邀请情感方面正遭受挫折的前妻丽诺尔(法米克·詹森 Famke Janssen 饰)以及正处在青春期的女儿小金(玛姬·格蕾斯 Maggie Grace 饰)前往伊斯坦布尔度假。然而,他们的快乐假期还没开始,一伙匪徒便盯上了这一家人。一番激烈的较量过后,布莱恩和丽诺尔沦落敌手,小金则成为最后被追捕的对象。而这一切始于布莱恩当初捣毁阿尔巴尼亚黑帮,当初埋下的仇恨种子生根发芽,围着一家人带来前所未有的灾难。身陷囹圄的布莱恩利用身藏的迷你电话指导女儿如何自救求生,而这一边他也想方设法摆脱匪徒的控制。生死攸关,刻不容缓……


Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 7 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 7 季


2012-09-12 共34集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 7 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 6 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 6 季


2011-09-21 共33集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 6 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 5 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 5 季


2010-09-22 共35集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 5 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 4 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 4 季


2009-09-23 共30集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 4 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 3 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 3 季


2008-10-08 共22集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 3 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 2 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 2 季


2007-09-19 共32集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 2 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 1 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 1 季


2007-04-18 共9集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 1 季