


Jurij Zrnec




出生地:Ljubljana, Slovenia

又名:Jure Zrnec



Kot osnovnošolec je treniral latinskoameriške in standardne plese. Na svetovnem prvenstvu v športnih plesih je osvojil tretje mesto. Po končani srednji šoli za oblikovanje se je vpisal na AGRFT, kjer pa mu v prvo ni uspelo opraviti sprejemnih izpitov. Naslednje leto jih je opravil, zato je diplomant Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo v Ljubljani, ki je postal znan po vodenju podelitve Viktorjev leta 2003 in 2006 ter z vlogo doktorja Muca v nanizanki Naša mala klinika. Posodil pa je glas tudi animiranim likom kot je zagotovo Garfield in Grafield 2. Pozneje, jeseni 2007, je z Ladom Bizovičarjem začel voditi razvedrilno oddajo As ti tud not padu?! na POP TV, ki je bila na sporedu do decembra 2009 in mu je prinesla prve štiri viktorje. Kot režiser je soustvaril gledališko predstavo 5moških.com. 4. novembra 2010 je izšel mladinski celovečerni film Gremo mi po svoje (2010), kjer ima glavno moško vlogo, vlogo starešine. Za to vlogo je na 13. Festivalu slovenskega filma oktobra istega leta prejel tudi vesno za najboljšo glavno moško vlogo. Poročen je s Sabino Kogovšek, 28. julija 2008 pa se jima je rodila prvorojenka Leni.





2024-05-23 更新至0集



Yes, Chef! 第 8 季

Yes, Chef! 第 8 季


2023-11-09 共10集

Jurij Zrnec stepped into the slippers of Chef, the culinary magician of endless talents, even bigger ego and the owner of the best restaurant in Ljubljana, Chateau de Philippe, Ljubomir Bohinc. In anger, Chef can be scary, invincible in entertainment, and

Yes, Chef! 第 8 季

Yes, Chef! 第 7 季

Yes, Chef! 第 7 季


2023-06-22 共10集

Jurij Zrnec stepped into the slippers of Chef, the culinary magician of endless talents, even bigger ego and the owner of the best restaurant in Ljubljana, Chateau de Philippe, Ljubomir Bohinc. In anger, Chef can be scary, invincible in entertainment, and

Yes, Chef! 第 7 季

Yes, Chef! 第 6 季

Yes, Chef! 第 6 季


2022-12-01 共10集

Jurij Zrnec stepped into the slippers of Chef, the culinary magician of endless talents, even bigger ego and the owner of the best restaurant in Ljubljana, Chateau de Philippe, Ljubomir Bohinc. In anger, Chef can be scary, invincible in entertainment, and

Yes, Chef! 第 6 季

Gajin svet 2

Gajin svet 2




Gajin svet 2

Yes, Chef! 第 5 季

Yes, Chef! 第 5 季


2022-07-21 共10集

Jurij Zrnec stepped into the slippers of Chef, the culinary magician of endless talents, even bigger ego and the owner of the best restaurant in Ljubljana, Chateau de Philippe, Ljubomir Bohinc. In anger, Chef can be scary, invincible in entertainment, and

Yes, Chef! 第 5 季

Yes, Chef! 第 4 季

Yes, Chef! 第 4 季


2022-05-01 共10集

Jurij Zrnec stepped into the slippers of Chef, the culinary magician of endless talents, even bigger ego and the owner of the best restaurant in Ljubljana, Chateau de Philippe, Ljubomir Bohinc. In anger, Chef can be scary, invincible in entertainment, and

Yes, Chef! 第 4 季

Yes, Chef! 第 3 季

Yes, Chef! 第 3 季


2021-12-16 共10集

Jurij Zrnec stepped into the slippers of Chef, the culinary magician of endless talents, even bigger ego and the owner of the best restaurant in Ljubljana, Chateau de Philippe, Ljubomir Bohinc. In anger, Chef can be scary, invincible in entertainment, and

Yes, Chef! 第 3 季

Yes, Chef! 第 2 季

Yes, Chef! 第 2 季


2021-10-14 共10集

Jurij Zrnec stepped into the slippers of Chef, the culinary magician of endless talents, even bigger ego and the owner of the best restaurant in Ljubljana, Chateau de Philippe, Ljubomir Bohinc. In anger, Chef can be scary, invincible in entertainment, and

Yes, Chef! 第 2 季

Yes, Chef! 第 1 季

Yes, Chef! 第 1 季


2021-06-17 共10集

Jurij Zrnec stepped into the slippers of Chef, the culinary magician of endless talents, even bigger ego and the owner of the best restaurant in Ljubljana, Chateau de Philippe, Ljubomir Bohinc. In anger, Chef can be scary, invincible in entertainment, and

Yes, Chef! 第 1 季





Awakenings is a story about growing up, despite the fact that the main characters are are entering their 40's. It is set in the bedrooms of the six protagonists, where they discuss their everyday dilemmas, secrets, fears and hopes. Their awakenings are no
