


Namık Kemal Yiğittürk





又名:Namik Kemal Yigittürk





Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 10 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 10 季


2015-09-16 共37集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 10 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 9 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 9 季


2014-09-17 共34集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 9 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 8 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 8 季


2013-09-11 共34集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 8 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 7 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 7 季


2012-09-12 共34集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 7 季





  土耳其史上最贵的影片,根据历史上穆罕默德二世在1453年攻陷拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡的战役改编,是一部堪比好莱坞的史诗动作大片。征服者,抑或“法提赫”,土耳其历史上最好战的苏丹穆罕默德二世的绰号;1453年,中世纪结束的那一年。那一年,年仅23岁的穆罕默德二世率领骑兵和战舰攻陷拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡,从而结束了东罗马帝国一千多年的统治,将奥斯曼帝国建立成一个地跨欧亚的国家,东西方文明在此交汇。1453年,对于现在的土耳其人来说,是仅次于1923年土耳其建国之外最重要的年份。影片根据历史上穆罕默德二世在1453年的君士坦丁堡之役改编。1453年, 拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡被土耳其侵略者包围。由于帝国的国库逐渐空虚此时的君士坦丁堡只是曾经荣耀的影子,相对而言土耳其帝国却逐渐强大起来。在忍受了拜占庭帝国这么多年后,野心勃勃的苏丹穆罕穆德二世发起了终结拜占庭帝国的战役,以土耳其人的名义征服君士坦丁堡。


Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 6 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 6 季


2011-09-21 共33集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 6 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 5 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 5 季


2010-09-22 共35集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 5 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 4 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 4 季


2009-09-23 共30集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 4 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 3 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 3 季


2008-10-08 共22集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 3 季

希拉 第 3 季

希拉 第 3 季


2008-08-29 共4集

A young woman's forced marriage to the agha of a tribe in Southeastern Turkey leads to tragedy and social change.

希拉 第 3 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 2 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 2 季


2007-09-19 共32集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 2 季

希拉 第 2 季

希拉 第 2 季


2007-09-14 共37集

A young woman's forced marriage to the agha of a tribe in Southeastern Turkey leads to tragedy and social change.

希拉 第 2 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 1 季

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 1 季


2007-04-18 共9集

A continuation series of Osman Sinav's The Wolves Of The Valley. This produce focuses on politics, National Security and Regional Middle East problems. The Wolves of The Valley: Ambush serie also attracts attention by two film; The Wolves of The Valley: I

Valley of the Wolves: Ambush 第 1 季

希拉 第 1 季

希拉 第 1 季


2006-09-15 共38集

A young woman's forced marriage to the agha of a tribe in Southeastern Turkey leads to tragedy and social change.

希拉 第 1 季