


Juliette Galoisy













2023-12-04 共2集






2022-12-12 更新至0集



艺术品寻踪 第 6 季

艺术品寻踪 第 6 季


2022-12-12 共2集

Fired for insubordination, PJ Antoine Verlay, good cop but a blood strand and having difficulty working as a team, is attached to the OCBC (Central Office for the fight against Traffic in Cultural Goods) thanks to the intervention of the commander Pardo,

艺术品寻踪 第 6 季

Clem 第 12 季

Clem 第 12 季


2022-03-17 共6集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 12 季

艺术品寻踪 第 5 季

艺术品寻踪 第 5 季


2021-11-22 共2集

Fired for insubordination, PJ Antoine Verlay, good cop but a blood strand and having difficulty working as a team, is attached to the OCBC (Central Office for the fight against Traffic in Cultural Goods) thanks to the intervention of the commander Pardo,

艺术品寻踪 第 5 季

艺术品寻踪 第 4 季

艺术品寻踪 第 4 季


2021-05-07 共2集

Fired for insubordination, PJ Antoine Verlay, good cop but a blood strand and having difficulty working as a team, is attached to the OCBC (Central Office for the fight against Traffic in Cultural Goods) thanks to the intervention of the commander Pardo,

艺术品寻踪 第 4 季

Clem 第 11 季

Clem 第 11 季


2021-04-15 共6集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 11 季

Clem 第 10 季

Clem 第 10 季


2020-06-16 共6集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 10 季

艺术品寻踪 第 3 季

艺术品寻踪 第 3 季


2019-10-25 共2集

Fired for insubordination, PJ Antoine Verlay, good cop but a blood strand and having difficulty working as a team, is attached to the OCBC (Central Office for the fight against Traffic in Cultural Goods) thanks to the intervention of the commander Pardo,

艺术品寻踪 第 3 季

Clem 第 9 季

Clem 第 9 季


2019-05-02 共6集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 9 季

艺术品寻踪 第 2 季

艺术品寻踪 第 2 季


2018-11-23 共6集

Fired for insubordination, PJ Antoine Verlay, good cop but a blood strand and having difficulty working as a team, is attached to the OCBC (Central Office for the fight against Traffic in Cultural Goods) thanks to the intervention of the commander Pardo,

艺术品寻踪 第 2 季

Clem 第 8 季

Clem 第 8 季


2018-03-15 共10集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 8 季

艺术品寻踪 第 1 季

艺术品寻踪 第 1 季


2017-11-17 共6集

Fired for insubordination, PJ Antoine Verlay, good cop but a blood strand and having difficulty working as a team, is attached to the OCBC (Central Office for the fight against Traffic in Cultural Goods) thanks to the intervention of the commander Pardo,

艺术品寻踪 第 1 季





关于法国天后级歌手达琳达Dalida的传记片,这部电影讲述的就是Dalida的生活,里面有她跌宕一生的故事,也有法国60年代充满真诚的歌声。她活跃于乐坛30几年,掀起过欧洲的第一次歌迷狂潮现象,是唯一一位被戴高乐总统授予过共和国总统勋章的艺人,经历过无数成名路上的坎坷与艰辛。她以那首BAMBINO走向世人,又以那句“La vie m'est insupportable, pardonnez-moi.”离开世人。她就是出生在开罗,用法语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、希伯来语、德语、意大利语不停歌唱的法国天后级歌手Dalida。


Clem 第 7 季

Clem 第 7 季


2017-01-02 共10集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 7 季

Clem 第 6 季

Clem 第 6 季


2016-03-14 共5集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 6 季

Clem 第 5 季

Clem 第 5 季


2015-01-08 共5集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 5 季

Clem 第 4 季

Clem 第 4 季


2014-01-05 共5集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 4 季

Clem 第 3 季

Clem 第 3 季


2013-03-21 共3集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 3 季

Clem 第 2 季

Clem 第 2 季


2012-03-13 共3集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 2 季

Clem 第 1 季

Clem 第 1 季


2010-02-16 共4集

Clem follows the life of a young teenager, Clémentine, who becomes a mother at the age of sixteen, at the centre of tensions between her parents and Julien, the father of her child Valentin. It deals with the problems of teenage life and that of a mother

Clem 第 1 季





"每一个人都有属于自己的故事,沿街乞讨的乞丐也是如此。醉倒在地铁站月台的女人有故事,一见警察身影就像卓别林般快速逃跑的男人也有故事。而在伊利亚特,故事中主人公始于爱琴海的历险同样也是一个精彩绝伦的故事。就在这片大海之上,就在同一片蓝天之下,人类文明诞生于此。 在经历了天堂之旅,地狱之行后,主人公的冒险旅程奇迹般地止于巴黎――那个无数浪人梦中所神往之所。这部电影想要做到的就是把每个人脑中奇思幻想投射到现实中来,同时它也是讲述上一代父母一辈的人翻山过海,劳碌奔波,克服艰难困苦组建家园碌的故事。伊莱亚斯的故事并不属于尤利希斯,也不属于尚格•云顿,更不是导演自身的故事,但在伊莱亚斯身上,许多人或许都能够找到某些熟悉的东西,透过他,人们或多或少能够看到一点点自己。"
