


Mark Simmons










一周讽刺秀 第 21 季

一周讽刺秀 第 21 季


2022-09-23 共7集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 21 季

一周讽刺秀 第 20 季

一周讽刺秀 第 20 季


2021-05-13 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 20 季

一周讽刺秀 第 19 季

一周讽刺秀 第 19 季


2020-10-22 共11集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 19 季

一周讽刺秀 第 18 季

一周讽刺秀 第 18 季


2019-05-23 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 18 季

一周讽刺秀 第 17 季

一周讽刺秀 第 17 季


2018-06-07 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 17 季

一周讽刺秀 第 16 季

一周讽刺秀 第 16 季


2017-06-08 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 16 季





Mike may always be wandering, but you’d hardly call him a man on the move. His stamping ground is modest, the strip of suburbia between his mom’s house in New Jersey and the pizza place where he works. Mike’s no great conversationalist and isn’t big on di


一周讽刺秀 第 15 季

一周讽刺秀 第 15 季


2016-06-09 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 15 季

一周讽刺秀 第 14 季

一周讽刺秀 第 14 季


2015-06-11 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 14 季

一周讽刺秀 第 13 季

一周讽刺秀 第 13 季


2014-06-12 共14集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 13 季

一周讽刺秀 第 12 季

一周讽刺秀 第 12 季


2013-06-13 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 12 季

一周讽刺秀 第 11 季

一周讽刺秀 第 11 季


2012-06-14 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 11 季

一周讽刺秀 第 10 季

一周讽刺秀 第 10 季


2011-06-09 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 10 季

一周讽刺秀 第 9 季

一周讽刺秀 第 9 季


2010-06-17 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 9 季

一周讽刺秀 第 8 季

一周讽刺秀 第 8 季


2010-01-21 共6集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 8 季

一周讽刺秀 第 7 季

一周讽刺秀 第 7 季


2009-07-09 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 7 季

一周讽刺秀 第 6 季

一周讽刺秀 第 6 季


2008-07-10 共13集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 6 季





  史前一万年的世界,神秘而幽远。在终年为白雪覆盖的大白山上,生活着以打猎为生的亚高族。他们擅长捕猎猛犸象,然而随着猛犸象越来越少,亚高族也逐渐走向末路。具有预知能力的老妈妈临死前做出预言:亚高族将面临四脚恶魔的入侵,届时族人将迎来最后一次狩猎,在此之后一位伟大的战士就会出现,并迎娶躲避战乱来到部落的蓝眼睛小女孩伊芙乐(Camilla Belle 饰)为妻,最终带领亚高族远离饥饿。   族人们对此深信不疑,耐心等待决定命运的时刻的到来。男孩达雷(Steven Strait 饰)和卡恩(Mo Zinal 饰)对伊芙乐都心存爱慕。某日,消失十多年的猛犸象群重新回到大白山,达雷阴差阳错杀死一头猛犸象,赢得了女孩的心。不久,野蛮的外族入侵,虏走了美丽的伊芙乐。为了找回爱人,达雷和伙伴们踏上了充满艰险的旅途


一周讽刺秀 第 5 季

一周讽刺秀 第 5 季


2007-07-12 共12集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 5 季

一周讽刺秀 第 4 季

一周讽刺秀 第 4 季


2007-01-11 共6集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 4 季

一周讽刺秀 第 3 季

一周讽刺秀 第 3 季


2006-09-14 共7集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 3 季

一周讽刺秀 第 2 季

一周讽刺秀 第 2 季


2006-01-20 共7集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 2 季







一周讽刺秀 第 1 季

一周讽刺秀 第 1 季


2005-06-05 共6集

Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy, with several rounds requiring players to deliver answers on unexpected subjects on the spur of the moment.

一周讽刺秀 第 1 季





  布洛克(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)除了是一名过气的拳击手,还是三个孩子的父亲。当他的拳击生涯走下坡路后,紧接着而来的是生活的拮据和入不敷出的家庭状况。幸好有贤惠美丽的妻子梅(芮妮·齐薇格 Renée Zellweger 饰)理解支持,她的从不埋怨和勤劳持家,令这个家庭不至于毫无生机。布洛克放下自尊去排队领取救济金,却挡不住严冬的即将来临,家里食物短缺,生存问题迫在眉睫。   布洛克终于决定重上拳击台,这是他可以挽救家人的唯一办法。他的复出引来了民众的关注,成为了人们心中的平民英雄。他在比赛中英勇挥拳,为了男人的尊严,为了家人的生存。
