


Damian Thüne










SOKO Köln 第 22 季

SOKO Köln 第 22 季


2023-10-03 更新至14集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 22 季

莱比锡探案组 第 24 季

莱比锡探案组 第 24 季


2023-09-01 更新至17集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 24 季

Das Wunder von Kapstadt

Das Wunder von Kapstadt




Das Wunder von Kapstadt

SOKO Köln 第 21 季

SOKO Köln 第 21 季


2022-09-13 共24集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 21 季

莱比锡探案组 第 23 季

莱比锡探案组 第 23 季


2022-09-09 共27集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 23 季




2021-12-27 共6集

  这部壮观的史诗系列剧聚焦于黄金二十年代的两个结晶:首都沉沦于贫困、暴力和混乱之中,而城西百货商场则是奢华和美丽的绿洲。从第一次世界大战归来后,哈里·詹多夫以血腥手段的制止了百货公司劫匪的武装袭击。他的父亲阿道夫·詹多夫,靠着商业上的谨慎和可靠的会计师格尔戈的支持经营着这家濒临破产的 传统企业,这位受到创伤的小老板将他的冒险精神带到了企业的最前沿。而对于哈里的妹妹弗里来说,上层社会并没有在管理层中为其提供一个位置的家庭传统。同时弗里与百货公司的女售货员渐生情愫,开启了一段禁忌之恋~


SOKO Köln 第 20 季

SOKO Köln 第 20 季


2021-09-21 共27集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 20 季

莱比锡探案组 第 22 季

莱比锡探案组 第 22 季


2021-08-27 共24集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 22 季










2020-10-18 共4集



SOKO Köln 第 17 季

SOKO Köln 第 17 季


2020-09-22 共25集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 17 季

SOKO Köln 第 19 季

SOKO Köln 第 19 季


2020-09-22 共14集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 19 季

SOKO 5113 第 46 季

SOKO 5113 第 46 季


2020-09-21 共15集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 46 季

莱比锡探案组 第 21 季

莱比锡探案组 第 21 季


2020-08-28 共22集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 21 季

SOKO Köln 第 18 季

SOKO Köln 第 18 季


2019-12-03 共14集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 18 季

SOKO 5113 第 45 季

SOKO 5113 第 45 季


2019-12-01 共13集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 45 季

莱比锡探案组 第 20 季

莱比锡探案组 第 20 季


2019-10-18 共14集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 20 季




2019-09-05 共6集

本剧是ZDF电视台纪念包豪斯成立100周年的献礼之作,由Anna Maria Mühe和August Diehl领衔主演。本剧将目光投向了包豪斯在魏玛成立之初的那段时光,以Walter Gropius与女学生Dörte Helm之间的情感纠葛为切入点,展现了包豪斯立校之初风雨飘摇的那段历史,以及魏玛时期的德国风貌。


SOKO 5113 第 44 季

SOKO 5113 第 44 季


2018-11-05 共22集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 44 季

SOKO Köln 第 15 季

SOKO Köln 第 15 季


2018-09-25 共24集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 15 季

莱比锡探案组 第 19 季

莱比锡探案组 第 19 季


2018-09-14 共22集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 19 季

莱比锡探案组 第 18 季

莱比锡探案组 第 18 季


2017-10-13 共16集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 18 季

SOKO Köln 第 16 季

SOKO Köln 第 16 季


2017-09-12 共25集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 16 季

SOKO Köln 第 14 季

SOKO Köln 第 14 季


2017-09-12 共23集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 14 季

SOKO 5113 第 43 季

SOKO 5113 第 43 季


2017-09-11 共27集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 43 季





该片是《海蒂和爷爷》导演阿兰•葛斯彭纳最新力作,一部德国版的“饥饿游戏”!未来社会阶级分明,制度将菁英与弱者划分开来,前者享有富足的生活与保护,后者则被遣送到拥挤脏乱的底层地区。为了获得优渥的资源,各类竞争无所不在。札克与娜迪获选参加顶尖大学保送资格的体能训练营,他们除了要合作完成各项任务,还得在个人表现上拔得头筹。相较遵守游戏规则的娜迪,向 往自由的札克开始质疑制度,两人的摩擦逐渐升高:一本失踪日记、一起意外命案,不仅改变他们的命运,也揭开扭曲体制下的私欲与谎言。


SOKO Köln 第 13 季

SOKO Köln 第 13 季


2016-10-04 共24集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 13 季

SOKO 5113 第 42 季

SOKO 5113 第 42 季


2016-10-03 共26集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 42 季

莱比锡探案组 第 17 季

莱比锡探案组 第 17 季


2016-09-16 共26集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 17 季

SOKO Köln 第 12 季

SOKO Köln 第 12 季


2015-10-06 共25集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 12 季

SOKO 5113 第 41 季

SOKO 5113 第 41 季


2015-10-05 共25集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 41 季

莱比锡探案组 第 16 季

莱比锡探案组 第 16 季


2015-10-02 共20集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 16 季





The young actress Käthe is not 18 when she conquered Berlin's theater stages. Privately she finds her luck alongside the famous artist Max Kruse, but the wild marriage is considered scandalous and has a negative effect on the sale of his art. Thus, Käthe


SOKO 5113 第 40 季

SOKO 5113 第 40 季


2014-10-20 共23集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 40 季

SOKO Köln 第 11 季

SOKO Köln 第 11 季


2014-10-14 共25集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 11 季

莱比锡探案组 第 15 季

莱比锡探案组 第 15 季


2014-09-19 共21集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 15 季

莱比锡探案组 第 14 季

莱比锡探案组 第 14 季


2013-10-25 共20集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 14 季

SOKO Köln 第 10 季

SOKO Köln 第 10 季


2013-10-08 共24集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 10 季

SOKO 5113 第 39 季

SOKO 5113 第 39 季


2013-09-30 共25集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 39 季

莱比锡探案组 第 13 季

莱比锡探案组 第 13 季


2012-11-16 共22集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 13 季

SOKO Köln 第 9 季

SOKO Köln 第 9 季


2012-10-09 共20集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 9 季

SOKO 5113 第 38 季

SOKO 5113 第 38 季


2012-10-01 共24集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 38 季

SOKO Köln 第 8 季

SOKO Köln 第 8 季


2011-10-18 共20集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 8 季

莱比锡探案组 第 12 季

莱比锡探案组 第 12 季


2011-10-14 共23集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 12 季

SOKO 5113 第 37 季

SOKO 5113 第 37 季


2011-10-03 共22集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 37 季

SOKO Köln 第 7 季

SOKO Köln 第 7 季


2010-11-02 共20集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 7 季

SOKO 5113 第 36 季

SOKO 5113 第 36 季


2010-10-25 共21集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 36 季

莱比锡探案组 第 11 季

莱比锡探案组 第 11 季


2010-09-24 共23集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 11 季

SOKO 5113 第 35 季

SOKO 5113 第 35 季


2009-10-19 共20集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 35 季

SOKO Köln 第 6 季

SOKO Köln 第 6 季


2009-09-08 共30集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 6 季

莱比锡探案组 第 10 季

莱比锡探案组 第 10 季


2009-09-04 共18集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 10 季

SOKO 5113 第 34 季

SOKO 5113 第 34 季


2008-10-27 共20集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 34 季

莱比锡探案组 第 9 季

莱比锡探案组 第 9 季


2008-10-03 共31集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 9 季

SOKO Köln 第 5 季

SOKO Köln 第 5 季


2008-09-23 共30集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 5 季

SOKO 5113 第 33 季

SOKO 5113 第 33 季


2008-01-28 共13集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 33 季

莱比锡探案组 第 8 季

莱比锡探案组 第 8 季


2007-10-24 共16集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 8 季

SOKO 5113 第 32 季

SOKO 5113 第 32 季


2007-10-15 共13集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 32 季

SOKO 5113 第 31 季

SOKO 5113 第 31 季


2007-02-05 共9集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 31 季

SOKO Köln 第 4 季

SOKO Köln 第 4 季


2007-01-09 共18集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 4 季

SOKO 5113 第 30 季

SOKO 5113 第 30 季


2006-10-02 共12集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 30 季

莱比锡探案组 第 7 季

莱比锡探案组 第 7 季


2006-09-29 共15集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 7 季

SOKO 5113 第 29 季

SOKO 5113 第 29 季


2005-12-30 共13集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 29 季

SOKO Köln 第 3 季

SOKO Köln 第 3 季


2005-12-20 共17集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 3 季

莱比锡探案组 第 6 季

莱比锡探案组 第 6 季


2005-09-16 共21集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 6 季

SOKO 5113 第 28 季

SOKO 5113 第 28 季


2005-07-06 共5集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 28 季

SOKO Köln 第 2 季

SOKO Köln 第 2 季


2005-02-23 共13集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 2 季

SOKO 5113 第 27 季

SOKO 5113 第 27 季


2005-02-01 共9集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 27 季

莱比锡探案组 第 5 季

莱比锡探案组 第 5 季


2004-12-17 共11集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 5 季

SOKO 5113 第 26 季

SOKO 5113 第 26 季


2004-09-21 共12集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 26 季

SOKO 5113 第 25 季

SOKO 5113 第 25 季


2004-03-02 共8集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 25 季

SOKO Köln 第 1 季

SOKO Köln 第 1 季


2003-10-22 共21集

The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city.

SOKO Köln 第 1 季

莱比锡探案组 第 4 季

莱比锡探案组 第 4 季


2003-10-17 共20集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 4 季

SOKO 5113 第 24 季

SOKO 5113 第 24 季


2003-09-23 共13集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 24 季

SOKO 5113 第 23 季

SOKO 5113 第 23 季


2002-12-27 共12集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 23 季

SOKO 5113 第 22 季

SOKO 5113 第 22 季


2002-10-08 共9集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 22 季

莱比锡探案组 第 3 季

莱比锡探案组 第 3 季


2002-09-25 共18集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 3 季

SOKO 5113 第 21 季

SOKO 5113 第 21 季


2002-04-10 共7集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 21 季

莱比锡探案组 第 2 季

莱比锡探案组 第 2 季


2002-01-23 共10集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 2 季

SOKO 5113 第 20 季

SOKO 5113 第 20 季


2001-09-19 共11集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 20 季

莱比锡探案组 第 1 季

莱比锡探案组 第 1 季


2001-01-31 共12集

SOKO Leipzig is a German police procedural television programme, a spin-off of the earlier German police programme SOKO 5113. It was first broadcast on 31 January 2001, on German television channel ZDF. On 12 November 2008, the first part of a two-part cr

莱比锡探案组 第 1 季

SOKO 5113 第 19 季

SOKO 5113 第 19 季


2000-09-06 共12集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 19 季

SOKO 5113 第 18 季

SOKO 5113 第 18 季


2000-02-02 共17集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 18 季

SOKO 5113 第 17 季

SOKO 5113 第 17 季


1999-09-22 共8集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 17 季

SOKO 5113 第 16 季

SOKO 5113 第 16 季


1999-01-06 共16集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 16 季

SOKO 5113 第 15 季

SOKO 5113 第 15 季


1998-10-07 共12集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 15 季

SOKO 5113 第 14 季

SOKO 5113 第 14 季


1997-11-15 共19集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 14 季

SOKO 5113 第 13 季

SOKO 5113 第 13 季


1997-01-16 共11集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 13 季

SOKO 5113 第 12 季

SOKO 5113 第 12 季


1996-04-24 共9集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 12 季

SOKO 5113 第 11 季

SOKO 5113 第 11 季


1993-10-28 共15集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 11 季

SOKO 5113 第 10 季

SOKO 5113 第 10 季


1992-09-10 共15集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 10 季

SOKO 5113 第 9 季

SOKO 5113 第 9 季


1990-10-22 共15集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 9 季

SOKO 5113 第 8 季

SOKO 5113 第 8 季


1989-01-02 共13集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 8 季

SOKO 5113 第 7 季

SOKO 5113 第 7 季


1988-10-03 共11集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 7 季

SOKO 5113 第 6 季

SOKO 5113 第 6 季


1987-01-05 共14集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 6 季

SOKO 5113 第 5 季

SOKO 5113 第 5 季


1986-03-10 共12集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 5 季

SOKO 5113 第 4 季

SOKO 5113 第 4 季


1984-10-15 共10集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 4 季

SOKO 5113 第 3 季

SOKO 5113 第 3 季


1983-01-31 共6集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 3 季

SOKO 5113 第 2 季

SOKO 5113 第 2 季


1980-10-27 共13集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 2 季

SOKO 5113 第 1 季

SOKO 5113 第 1 季


1978-01-02 共19集

SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term "Sonderkommission" in German.

SOKO 5113 第 1 季