


Dmitrij Denisiuk





又名:Dmitrijus Denisiukas











Women Lie Better 第 16 季

Women Lie Better 第 16 季


2023-09-04 共80集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 16 季

Women Lie Better 第 15 季

Women Lie Better 第 15 季


2022-09-05 共80集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 15 季





It is highly probable that before their own death, everyone has to organise someone else’s funeral. This is by far not an easy task. In addition to the searing grief, dying also brings a number of tasks that are at once utterly alien and intensely time-cr


Women Lie Better 第 14 季

Women Lie Better 第 14 季


2021-08-30 共80集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 14 季

Women Lie Better 第 13 季

Women Lie Better 第 13 季


2020-08-31 共84集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 13 季

Women Lie Better 第 12 季

Women Lie Better 第 12 季


2019-09-11 共80集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 12 季

Women Lie Better 第 11 季

Women Lie Better 第 11 季


2018-09-18 共80集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 11 季

Women Lie Better 第 10 季

Women Lie Better 第 10 季


2017-09-04 更新至83集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 10 季

The Cost of Freedom. Volunteers

The Cost of Freedom. Volunteers


2016-10-31 共12集

TV series tells about 1918 February 16 Signing of the Lithuanian Independence Act and other historical events that followed this important event in Lithuania until the occupation of Lithuania in 1940.

The Cost of Freedom. Volunteers

Women Lie Better 第 9 季

Women Lie Better 第 9 季


2016-08-25 共80集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 9 季

Women Lie Better 第 8 季

Women Lie Better 第 8 季


2015-08-31 共84集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 8 季

Women Lie Better 第 7 季

Women Lie Better 第 7 季


2015-01-13 共80集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 7 季

Women Lie Better 第 6 季

Women Lie Better 第 6 季


2013-10-22 共115集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 6 季

Women Lie Better 第 5 季

Women Lie Better 第 5 季


2012-08-29 共90集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 5 季

Women Lie Better 第 4 季

Women Lie Better 第 4 季


2011-09-02 共89集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 4 季

Women Lie Better 第 3 季

Women Lie Better 第 3 季


2010-08-25 更新至90集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 3 季

Women Lie Better 第 2 季

Women Lie Better 第 2 季


2009-08-26 共80集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 2 季





二战期间,德国纳粹在欧洲实行惨无人道的种族清洗政策,许多犹太人成为德国军队的枪下亡魂。但是,并非所有被希特勒镇压的犹太人都是被动的受害者,他们当中,也有顽强的反抗英雄。在波兰有一个犹太人家族,长子图维那(丹尼尔·克雷格饰)在德国入侵之时,父母均被德国军人杀害的情况下,图维那带领两个弟弟祖斯(列维·施瑞博尔饰)与阿斯贝(杰米·贝尔饰)躲过了德国纳粹的铁骑,逃出了生灵涂炭的波兰。   三兄弟并不清楚他们将来将何去何从,他们从波兰逃到了白俄罗斯的森林里,面临着粮食和物资的短缺。三兄弟克服重重困难,开始在森林中自食其力,度过了最初缺粮缺水的日子,三兄弟渐渐的适应了森林中的艰苦生活,开始为他们的将来做打算。德国军队占领了波兰,开始入侵白俄罗斯,图维那决定组织起所有藏匿在森林中的人,对抗德国军队。经过几次成功的偷袭行动,图维那率领的反抗军成功的夺取了德军的物资,他们的队伍越来越大,这时候,弟弟祖斯也成长成为一名优秀的军人。三兄弟在数年的反抗行动里,先先后后解救了上千名犹太群众。   德军对于森林的反围剿几次失败,德军将领恼羞成怒,决定对该地区实施一次大的清剿。而为这次清剿,德军制定了一个引诱反抗军深入重围的计划。偏偏祖斯又是一个冲动的人,他带领反抗军走进了德军的包围圈,而这时候苏联军队也对反抗军虎视眈眈。图维那腹背受敌,他必须想出一个两全其美的办法来解决目前的危机……


Women Lie Better 第 1 季

Women Lie Better 第 1 季


2008-02-04 共80集

Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.

Women Lie Better 第 1 季