


Mark Wahlberg










kid 90

kid 90



As a teenager in the '90s, Soleil Moon Frye carried a video camera everywhere she went. She documented hundreds of hours of footage and then locked it away for over 20 years.

kid 90

Wahlburgers 第 10 季

Wahlburgers 第 10 季


2019-05-15 共11集

The youngest of nine siblings, Mark and Donnie are no strangers to being in the spotlight, but now it's older brother Paul's turn to shine as he takes on the challenges of running a burger joint that touts the family name.

Wahlburgers 第 10 季

Wahlburgers 第 9 季

Wahlburgers 第 9 季


2018-06-13 共9集

The youngest of nine siblings, Mark and Donnie are no strangers to being in the spotlight, but now it's older brother Paul's turn to shine as he takes on the challenges of running a burger joint that touts the family name.

Wahlburgers 第 9 季

Wahlburgers 第 8 季

Wahlburgers 第 8 季


2017-08-09 共14集

The youngest of nine siblings, Mark and Donnie are no strangers to being in the spotlight, but now it's older brother Paul's turn to shine as he takes on the challenges of running a burger joint that touts the family name.

Wahlburgers 第 8 季

Wahlburgers 第 7 季

Wahlburgers 第 7 季


2016-11-16 共10集

The youngest of nine siblings, Mark and Donnie are no strangers to being in the spotlight, but now it's older brother Paul's turn to shine as he takes on the challenges of running a burger joint that touts the family name.

Wahlburgers 第 7 季

Wahlburgers 第 6 季

Wahlburgers 第 6 季


2016-07-06 共8集

The youngest of nine siblings, Mark and Donnie are no strangers to being in the spotlight, but now it's older brother Paul's turn to shine as he takes on the challenges of running a burger joint that touts the family name.

Wahlburgers 第 6 季

Wahlburgers 第 5 季

Wahlburgers 第 5 季


2016-03-09 共8集

The youngest of nine siblings, Mark and Donnie are no strangers to being in the spotlight, but now it's older brother Paul's turn to shine as he takes on the challenges of running a burger joint that touts the family name.

Wahlburgers 第 5 季

Wahlburgers 第 4 季

Wahlburgers 第 4 季


2015-07-15 共8集

The youngest of nine siblings, Mark and Donnie are no strangers to being in the spotlight, but now it's older brother Paul's turn to shine as he takes on the challenges of running a burger joint that touts the family name.

Wahlburgers 第 4 季

Wahlburgers 第 3 季

Wahlburgers 第 3 季


2015-01-07 共9集

The youngest of nine siblings, Mark and Donnie are no strangers to being in the spotlight, but now it's older brother Paul's turn to shine as he takes on the challenges of running a burger joint that touts the family name.

Wahlburgers 第 3 季





菲律宾拳王曼尼·帕奎奥的传记纪录片《曼尼》,讲述帕奎奥克服难以想象的困难,从忍饥挨饿的贫穷少年,成长为有史以来最受爱戴、最受尊敬运动员之一的心路历程。奥斯卡提名获得者连姆·尼森出任旁白。   初次走上菲律宾的拳台时,帕奎奥16岁,98磅,打拳只是为了赢得奖金供家人生活。二十多年后的今天,他八次加冕世界冠军,拳赛能让整个菲律宾万人空巷,屏息观赏。他的家庭生活同样幸福美满,还在政坛崭露头角,既是为了人民福祉不懈努力地国会议员,也是全球闻名的励志偶像。   这部纪录片从2010年开始拍摄,2013年杀青。将1200小时的素材剪辑成不到120分钟的成片,其中包括演员马克·沃尔伯格,《吉米鸡毛秀》主持人吉米·坎摩尔、以及墨西哥拳王奥斯卡·德·拉·霍亚等名人的访谈,以及帕奎奥首度公开的家庭影像。家人、好友、训练师、体能师和经纪人,将揭秘帕奎奥所面对的考验和所取得的成就。   曼尼·帕奎奥是菲律宾职业拳手及政治家。他曾八次加冕拳击世界冠军,是全球唯一在八个不同重量级别中分别获得冠军的拳手。他的拳赛出票量创下全美纪录,还有超过八百万付费收看用户。他被全美拳击作家协会(Boxing Writers Association of America,简称BWAA)、世界拳击理事会(World Boxing Council,简称WBC),以及世界拳击组织(World Boxing Organization,简称WBO)选为千禧年代最佳拳手,于2006、2008及2009年三度荣膺《拳击》杂志(The Ring)及BWAA联合评选的年度最佳拳手,于2009和2011年两度获得ESPY体育奖最佳拳手。拳台之下,帕奎奥涉猎电影、音乐和政治,2010年5月,当选菲律宾国会众议院议员,2013年又二度当选。


Wahlburgers 第 2 季

Wahlburgers 第 2 季


2014-08-13 共9集

The youngest of nine siblings, Mark and Donnie are no strangers to being in the spotlight, but now it's older brother Paul's turn to shine as he takes on the challenges of running a burger joint that touts the family name.

Wahlburgers 第 2 季

Wahlburgers 第 1 季

Wahlburgers 第 1 季


2014-01-22 共10集

The youngest of nine siblings, Mark and Donnie are no strangers to being in the spotlight, but now it's older brother Paul's turn to shine as he takes on the challenges of running a burger joint that touts the family name.

Wahlburgers 第 1 季