


Ivan I. Tverdovsky








Ivan Ivanovich Tverdovsky (Russian: Иван Иванович Твердовский; born 29 December 1988, Moscow) is a Russian filmmaker, cinematographer and actor. He is also a son of documentary filmmaker Ivan Tverdovsky (1961). He graduated from Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography "VGIK" (2011, experimental directing workshop of A. Uchitel). Participant and prize-winner of national and international film festivals. Twice participated in the competition programme of Kinotavr. Shorts: in 2010 with the film “As If Waiting for a Bus”, for which he gained the jury diploma; and in 2013 with the film “Space Dogs”. His first feature film, “Correction Class” (2014) brought Tverdovsky the NIKA 2014 award in the category Discovery of the Year; the film won numerous awards at Russian and international shows, including a prize for Best Debut and the Prize of Film Distributors at Kinotavr-2014, the first prize in the East-West Competition and a special mention of the FEDEORA jury at Karlovy Vary IFF, and prizes at IFFs in Thessaloniki, Seattle, Tallinn, Kiev, etc. His second film, “Zoology” (2016), has been awarded a prize for direction in Karlovy Vary, the Grand Prix of festivals in Cottbus and Austin, Texas, a prize for Best Actress and the award of the Guild of Film Critics and Scholars at Kinotavr-2016. His third feature film, "Jumpman" (2018), screened in competition at Karlovy Vary IFF 2018. In 2020, Ivan I. Tverdovsky's new film "Conference" (2020) became a participant of the Venice Film Festival.


2021 第11届北京国际电影节 天坛奖 最佳影片奖(提名) 会议

2020 第77届威尼斯电影节 欧洲电影联盟奖 威尼斯日最佳影片(提名) 会议

2018 第53届卡罗维发利国际电影节 水晶地球仪奖 特别提名奖 碰瓷者 第53届卡罗维发利国际电影节 水晶地球仪奖(提名) 碰瓷者

2016 第51届卡罗维发利国际电影节 水晶地球仪奖 评委会特别奖(提名) 动物学 第51届卡罗维发利国际电影节 水晶地球仪奖(提名) 动物学

2015 第17届台北电影节 国际新导演竞赛 最佳影片(提名) 规训课程

2014 第49届卡罗维发利国际电影节 东方阵营奖 规训课程