









Languages","Speaks fluent French and English","Residence","Born in Ely (England) near Cambridge, Julie Cox was raised in the highlands of Scotland. At the age of six, she moved with her family to Jakarta (Indonesia), where her father worked in the oil business. She attended school and drama classes in Jakarta, Indonesia; Melbourne, Australia; Houston, Texas; and Malaysia. She currently lives in London.","Education","She attended school and drama classes in Jakarta, Indonesia; Melbourne, Australia; Houston, Texas; and Malaysia. She led a peripatetic life in southeast Asia attending 16 schools, during which time she became interested in acting at the age of 13, in Jakarta. After graduating from high school in Australia, she returned to England (where her grandparents lived) at the age of 18, by this time a foreigner in her own country to study acting. In London, she was invited to act in a commercial, and thereafter began to receive acting assignments in the U.K. and on the continent. After spending two years honing her craft in a Paris theatre workshop, she returned to England in 1992, secured an agent, and launched her professional screen career in The Neverending Story 3.","Movies","- Has a predilection for Bruce Lee movies.","- One of Cox's more eccentric favorites is the underrated 1980 SF film Flash Gordon.","Sports","Kickboxing, Horseback riding, Dance (ballroom, swing, ballet)","Books","- Romantic stories, Arthurian legends, SciFi books (Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, William Gibson, J.R.R Tolkien, Iain M. Banks, Ray Bradbury, Greg Bear).","- Favorites Sci-Fi books are Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep ?, Neuromancer and Eon.","Miscellaneous","- Julie wanted to be an astronaut or a racecar driver.","- Loves the Baroque art in the 1920s.","- First read Dune when she was 13, after her brother read it. At that time she read anything he did because she looked up to him as her big brother. He got her into sci-fi.","- Whenever she got a role, the first question she usually asked was whether she was wearing a corset again or not.","- The worst part while making Frank Herbert's Dune : her shoes.","- She smokes.","- Julie is a vegetarian.



Languages","Speaks fluent French and English","Residence","Born in Ely (England) near Cambridge, Julie Cox was raised in the highlands of Scotland. At the age of six, she moved with her family to Jakarta (Indonesia), where her father worked in the oil business. She attended school and drama classes in Jakarta, Indonesia; Melbourne, Australia; Houston, Texas; and Malaysia. She currently lives in London.","Education","She attended school and drama classes in Jakarta, Indonesia; Melbourne, Australia; Houston, Texas; and Malaysia. She led a peripatetic life in southeast Asia attending 16 schools, during which time she became interested in acting at the age of 13, in Jakarta. After graduating from high school in Australia, she returned to England (where her grandparents lived) at the age of 18, by this time a foreigner in her own country to study acting. In London, she was invited to act in a commercial, and thereafter began to receive acting assignments in the U.K. and on the continent. After spending two years honing her craft in a Paris theatre workshop, she returned to England in 1992, secured an agent, and launched her professional screen career in The Neverending Story 3.","Movies","- Has a predilection for Bruce Lee movies.","- One of Cox's more eccentric favorites is the underrated 1980 SF film Flash Gordon.","Sports","Kickboxing, Horseback riding, Dance (ballroom, swing, ballet)","Books","- Romantic stories, Arthurian legends, SciFi books (Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, William Gibson, J.R.R Tolkien, Iain M. Banks, Ray Bradbury, Greg Bear).","- Favorites Sci-Fi books are Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep ?, Neuromancer and Eon.","Miscellaneous","- Julie wanted to be an astronaut or a racecar driver.","- Loves the Baroque art in the 1920s.","- First read Dune when she was 13, after her brother read it. At that time she read anything he did because she looked up to him as her big brother. He got her into sci-fi.","- Whenever she got a role, the first question she usually asked was whether she was wearing a corset again or not.","- The worst part while making Frank Herbert's Dune : her shoes.","- She smokes.","- Julie is a vegetarian.






2024-04-14 共6集

  《杀机四伏》是英国独立电视台制作的一部长青推理电影集,取材于英国当代推理小说家Caroline Graham的作品,截至2010年为止共拍摄十三季81集。该剧以总督察Tom Barnaby以及他的年轻拍档Troy为主干,讲述二人凭借机智抽丝剥茧,悉破复杂凶案的故事 ,此外这两个人在查案过程中所不时表现出的幽默机智、亦庄亦谐也是此片受欢迎的原因之一。全剧在英国南部白金汉郡取景拍摄,漂亮的小村庄充满了浓浓的英伦风味,与命案本身的骇人听闻形成强烈反衬,为英式推理迷以及克里斯蒂小说爱好者们的必看之作。




2021-04-04 共6集

  《杀机四伏》是英国独立电视台制作的一部长青推理电影集,取材于英国当代推理小说家Caroline Graham的作品,截至2010年为止共拍摄十三季81集。该剧以总督察Tom Barnaby以及他的年轻拍档Troy为主干,讲述二人凭借机智抽丝剥茧,悉破复杂凶案的故事 ,此外这两个人在查案过程中所不时表现出的幽默机智、亦庄亦谐也是此片受欢迎的原因之一。全剧在英国南部白金汉郡取景拍摄,漂亮的小村庄充满了浓浓的英伦风味,与命案本身的骇人听闻形成强烈反衬,为英式推理迷以及克里斯蒂小说爱好者们的必看之作。




2020-01-21 共6集

  《杀机四伏》是英国独立电视台制作的一部长青推理电影集,取材于英国当代推理小说家Caroline Graham的作品,截至2010年为止共拍摄十三季81集。该剧以总督察Tom Barnaby以及他的年轻拍档Troy为主干,讲述二人凭借机智抽丝剥茧,悉破复杂凶案的故事 ,此外这两个人在查案过程中所不时表现出的幽默机智、亦庄亦谐也是此片受欢迎的原因之一。全剧在英国南部白金汉郡取景拍摄,漂亮的小村庄充满了浓浓的英伦风味,与命案本身的骇人听闻形成强烈反衬,为英式推理迷以及克里斯蒂小说爱好者们的必看之作。