


Linse Kessler













2024-06-04 更新至0集



Paradise Hotel 第 19 季

Paradise Hotel 第 19 季


2023-10-31 共17集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 19 季

Paradise Hotel 第 18 季

Paradise Hotel 第 18 季


2021-09-21 共19集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 18 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 19 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 19 季


2021-04-15 共9集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 19 季

Paradise Hotel 第 17 季

Paradise Hotel 第 17 季


2021-04-13 共39集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 17 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 18 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 18 季


2020-09-17 共3集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 18 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 17 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 17 季


2020-04-23 共9集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 17 季

Paradise Hotel 第 16 季

Paradise Hotel 第 16 季


2020-01-01 共48集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 16 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 16 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 16 季


2019-08-22 共9集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 16 季

Paradise Hotel 第 15 季

Paradise Hotel 第 15 季


2019-03-26 共48集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 15 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 15 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 15 季


2019-02-07 共12集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 15 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 14 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 14 季


2018-10-11 共8集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 14 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 13 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 13 季


2018-04-12 共2集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 13 季

Paradise Hotel 第 14 季

Paradise Hotel 第 14 季


2018-02-27 共42集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 14 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 12 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 12 季


2017-09-14 共13集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 12 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 11 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 11 季


2017-02-23 共13集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 11 季

Paradise Hotel 第 13 季

Paradise Hotel 第 13 季


2017-02-21 共42集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 13 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 10 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 10 季


2016-09-08 共13集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 10 季

Paradise Hotel 第 12 季

Paradise Hotel 第 12 季


2016-03-07 共40集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 12 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 9 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 9 季


2016-02-04 共13集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 9 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 8 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 8 季


2015-09-10 共12集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 8 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 7 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 7 季


2015-03-05 共12集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 7 季

Paradise Hotel 第 11 季

Paradise Hotel 第 11 季


2015-03-02 共40集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 11 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 6 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 6 季


2014-09-04 共12集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 6 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 5 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 5 季


2014-01-30 共12集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 5 季

Paradise Hotel 第 10 季

Paradise Hotel 第 10 季


2014-01-27 共72集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 10 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 4 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 4 季


2013-09-04 共7集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 4 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 3 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 3 季


2013-02-13 共11集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 3 季

Paradise Hotel 第 9 季

Paradise Hotel 第 9 季


2013-01-14 共72集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 9 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 2 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 2 季


2012-02-15 共12集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 2 季

Paradise Hotel 第 8 季

Paradise Hotel 第 8 季


2012-01-23 共52集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 8 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 1 季

The Family of Bryggen 第 1 季


2011-09-13 共6集

They have long been Islands Brygge response to the royal family. Here they are known by one and all - and they are even familiar with every corner of Bryggen as their own back pocket. This is where the family has his permanent base. It is from their world

The Family of Bryggen 第 1 季

Paradise Hotel 第 7 季

Paradise Hotel 第 7 季


2011-02-07 共64集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 7 季

Paradise Hotel 第 6 季

Paradise Hotel 第 6 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 6 季

Paradise Hotel 第 5 季

Paradise Hotel 第 5 季


2009-02-09 共64集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 5 季

Paradise Hotel 第 4 季

Paradise Hotel 第 4 季


2008-02-11 共56集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 4 季

Paradise Hotel 第 3 季

Paradise Hotel 第 3 季


2007-02-26 共56集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 3 季

Paradise Hotel 第 2 季

Paradise Hotel 第 2 季


2006-02-20 共48集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 2 季

Paradise Hotel 第 1 季

Paradise Hotel 第 1 季


2005-09-14 共48集

Danish version of the reality series "Paradise Hotel".

Paradise Hotel 第 1 季











  过了界就回不来了吗?火爆小子东尼出狱了,但世界没有变的更好,只会更坏。背后的翅膀不能带领你飞翔,面对变貌的家庭、充满挑衅的世界和无端冒出的亲生骨肉,相较于《末路狂奔》命运层层迭迭向小人物重击而来,这一次,东尼自己冲向命运,那些连串袭来的偷抢拐骗、黑暗交易与不洁未曾减少,东尼只有靠自己的手,不能回头,只能向前。   《末路狂奔三部曲》由1996年的《毒贩子》、2004年的《毒贩子第二集,我的双手沾满血》以及2005年的《毒贩子第三集,我是死亡天使》组成。   Pusher已经成为丹麦不朽的电影作品,导演透过三个人物的命运,描绘出哥本哈根黑道贩毒界内阴暗和激动人心的一面。三个人物的命运悲怆感人,他们的生活方式掩盖了其内心深处的创伤。
