






出生地:Tournai, Belgium






Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 25 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 25 季


2023-12-25 共2集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 25 季

法警辣妈 第 11 季

法警辣妈 第 11 季


2022-12-30 共2集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 11 季

法警辣妈 第 10 季

法警辣妈 第 10 季


2022-04-10 共6集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 10 季







Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 24 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 24 季


2021-12-20 共8集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 24 季

法警辣妈 第 9 季

法警辣妈 第 9 季


2021-05-27 共10集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 9 季

法警辣妈 第 8 季

法警辣妈 第 8 季


2020-04-17 共10集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 8 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 23 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 23 季


2019-08-26 共14集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 23 季

法警辣妈 第 7 季

法警辣妈 第 7 季


2019-04-19 共10集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 7 季

Lucienne mange une auto

Lucienne mange une auto



The most bizarre form of dealing with having wanted more from a parent in their youth becomes one's adult painful reality.

Lucienne mange une auto

法警辣妈 第 6 季

法警辣妈 第 6 季


2018-04-27 共10集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 6 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 22 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 22 季


2018-03-12 共10集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 22 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 21 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 21 季


2017-10-16 共6集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 21 季

法警辣妈 第 5 季

法警辣妈 第 5 季


2017-04-28 共10集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 5 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 20 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 20 季


2016-08-23 共6集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 20 季

法警辣妈 第 4 季

法警辣妈 第 4 季


2016-05-06 共10集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 4 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 19 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 19 季


2015-10-12 共5集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 19 季

法警辣妈 第 3 季

法警辣妈 第 3 季


2015-05-15 共10集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 3 季





疯狂的爵士迷Michel在跳蚤市场淘到一张梦寐以求的首版老唱片,来自他最心爱的乐手(脚本虚构了一位爵士乐人“Neil Youart”,但专辑“Me Myself and I”却是爵士标准曲)。他美滋滋地抱着唱片回家,计划独自一个人好好享受难得的幸福。谁知,他的情人、老婆、朋友、邻居、佣人、修理工,都像是约好了一样,用无法拒绝的各种烦心事,砸得他焦头烂额。这是导演Leconte 根据大受欢迎的舞台剧改编的,原作者为Florian Zeller。


Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 18 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 18 季


2014-10-27 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 18 季

法警辣妈 第 2 季

法警辣妈 第 2 季


2014-04-18 共10集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 2 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 17 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 17 季


2013-10-21 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 17 季

法警辣妈 第 1 季

法警辣妈 第 1 季


2013-04-19 共8集

Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t mak

法警辣妈 第 1 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 16 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 16 季


2013-02-25 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 16 季







Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 15 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 15 季


2011-08-29 共6集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 15 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 14 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 14 季


2010-09-20 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 14 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 13 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 13 季


2009-10-05 共5集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 13 季





描述非法移民的悲剧。西蒙以前是游泳冠军,现在是游泳教练。比拉尔是一名伊拉克小青年,他长途跋涉穿过欧陆抵达加来,想前往伦敦和他的女友会合。他躲在一辆卡车上企图横渡英法海峡,但却失败了。他因此决心游泳横渡海峡。西蒙教他游泳,他想劝阻他冒险。   多年战乱把大批难民带到了欧洲,许多人驻留在法国,而英国是他们向往的目的地。年仅17岁的库尔德小难民彼拉尔还有另一个目的,那里有他心爱的女孩等着他。在游泳教练的帮助下,彼拉尔计划游过英吉利海峡。   自从女友米娜移居英国,17岁的伊拉克少年毕拉便决定离开祖国,为爱走天下。为了再见她一面,毕拉展开了一场横跨欧洲的冒险之旅。然而,旅程到了法国北海岸就被迫停止,所有偷渡方式既致命,又易遭到逮捕。绝望的他看着英吉利海峡,突然灵机一动,决定泳渡大海!毕拉向一位游泳教练西蒙求教,在学泳的过程中,婚姻触礁的西蒙发现了毕拉的疯狂计画,于是便暗中支持他、保护他,并教导他所有横渡英吉利海峡所需的能力。毕拉的泳技一天比一天进步,最后他真能成功踏上英国的土地,见到米娜一面?


Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 12 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 12 季


2008-08-25 共5集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 12 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 11 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 11 季


2007-08-27 共5集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 11 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 10 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 10 季


2006-05-29 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 10 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 9 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 9 季


2005-08-29 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 9 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 8 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 8 季


2004-09-27 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 8 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 7 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 7 季


2003-09-01 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 7 季





Choukri, alias Chouchou, a transvestite Maghrebi with clear eyes, comes illegally to Paris to find his nephew. Hired as an assistant by a psychotherapist, known for his good mood, he also work as a waiter in a transvestite cabaret of Clichy where he meets


Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 6 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 6 季


2002-10-14 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 6 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 5 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 5 季


2001-10-01 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 5 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 4 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 4 季


2000-10-09 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 4 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 3 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 3 季


1999-08-30 共4集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 3 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 2 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 2 季


1998-12-07 共3集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 2 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 1 季

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 1 季


1997-12-15 共2集

Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is c

Joséphine, Guardian Angel 第 1 季





  关于巴黎吸毒分子的真实写照,以鲜明的现代色彩和反叛精神来刻画吸毒青年虚无的生活态度,社会写实作品。 本片是法国著名导演贝特朗.塔韦尼埃执导的经典作品之一,内容讲述巴黎吸毒份子的真实生活写照,以鲜明的现代色彩和反叛精神来刻画吸毒青年们虚无的生活态度,是一部上乘的社会写实影片。






  1920年,法国仍然未从一战的伤痛中恢复过来,法国人民正试图忘记战争的苦难,重新建立自己的美好家园。为了寻找在战争中失踪的爱人,两位勇敢的女子——一位尊贵的夫人和一位穷苦人家的女儿,跟随搜寻失踪士兵的队伍,开始了她们艰难的旅程……   本片用一种深沉的思辨来探视一个触动内心伤痕的题材,同时涉及到官僚、虚伪、腐败、战后贫困等命题。镜头行云流水,表演非常节制,毫不煽情。





1986-11-07 共26集







France, 1965 - An aging mamma's boy becomes the replacement leader of a rowdy group of teenage boy scouts who make his life miserable.






