


Sarah Marecek




出生地:Vienna, Austria






k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 20 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 20 季


2021-09-14 共13集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 20 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 19 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 19 季


2020-02-04 共13集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 19 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 18 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 18 季


2019-04-23 共13集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 18 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 17 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 17 季


2017-12-22 共15集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 17 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 16 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 16 季


2017-03-07 共13集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 16 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 15 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 15 季


2016-01-05 共13集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 15 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 14 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 14 季


2015-02-24 共13集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 14 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 13 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 13 季


2014-01-17 共12集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 13 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 12 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 12 季


2013-01-08 共13集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 12 季







k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 11 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 11 季


2012-01-06 共12集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 11 季





  影片《危险方法》(A Dangerous Method)原名《谈疗法》(The Talking Cure),根据英国编剧Christopher Hampton(《赎罪》)的同名舞台剧本改编。   萨宾娜·斯皮勒林(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley 饰),出身俄罗斯犹太家庭。1904年被送到苏黎世去治疗歇斯底里症,成为了精神病医生荣格(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)精神分析患者中的一员。荣格发现她有受虐倾向,是一个性瘾患者,同时又有深深地自责心。而在诊治过程中,他们之间发生了秘密的、不论之爱。但荣格重视自己的声誉,想要隐藏这段感情,声称萨宾娜是一名臆想狂。而这种欺骗的行为也让荣格在理念上与恩师——精神分析学派创始人弗洛伊德(维果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen 饰)分道扬镳。








k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 10 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 10 季


2011-04-05 共13集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 10 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 9 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 9 季


2010-04-26 共13集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 9 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 8 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 8 季


2009-01-13 共12集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 8 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 7 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 7 季


2008-01-08 共17集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 7 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 6 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 6 季


2006-11-07 共17集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 6 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 5 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 5 季


2005-12-06 共14集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 5 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 4 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 4 季


2005-02-01 共16集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 4 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 3 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 3 季


2004-01-06 共12集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 3 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 2 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 2 季


2002-11-19 共12集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 2 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 1 季

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 1 季


2001-11-15 共6集

SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2

k档案 基茨比厄尔探案组 第 1 季