















2024-04-25 更新至0集



Reel Rock 第 2023 季

Reel Rock 第 2023 季


2023-03-03 共6集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2023 季

Reel Rock 第 2018 季

Reel Rock 第 2018 季


2020-06-25 共6集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2018 季





讲述两名男子徒手征服“世界最难攀登绝壁”黎明墙的经历,热血沸腾鼓舞人心[并不简单] 2015年1月,Tommy Caldwell和Kevin Jorgeson开始攀登,两人在陡峭的垂直悬崖上生活了数周,引发了全球媒体的狂热关注。对Caldwell来说,这不仅仅是一次攀登,也是证明自己的强大之处的机会:22岁时,Caldwell被吉尔吉斯斯坦叛军挟持为人质,不久后他在一次事故中失去食指。两人耗时将近20天,成功登顶加利福利亚约塞米蒂国家公园的埃尔卡皮坦山,创下了徒手攀上黎明墙的世界纪录。 在此之前,两人花费了6年的时间规划路线,于2010和2011年两次尝试攀爬,均以失败告终。1958年首次有人征服黎明墙,目前约有100多条攀登路线,但从未有人徒手登顶。奥巴马也曾在两人成功后表示祝贺,称“一切皆有可能”。


Reel Rock 第 2016 季

Reel Rock 第 2016 季


2016-01-01 共5集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2016 季





From big walls to big moves, REEL ROCK 10 features athletes Tommy Caldwell, Kevin Jorgeson, Alex Honnold, Jimmy Webb, Daniel Woods and a special tribute to the late Dean Potter. This year's tour boasts an eclectic program that will get you psyched!


Reel Rock 第 2015 季

Reel Rock 第 2015 季


2015-01-01 共5集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2015 季

Reel Rock 第 2014 季

Reel Rock 第 2014 季


2014-01-01 共5集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2014 季

Reel Rock 第 2013 季

Reel Rock 第 2013 季


2013-01-01 共4集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2013 季

Reel Rock 第 2012 季

Reel Rock 第 2012 季


2012-01-01 共4集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2012 季

Reel Rock 第 2011 季

Reel Rock 第 2011 季


2011-01-01 共5集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2011 季

Reel Rock 第 17 季

Reel Rock 第 17 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 17 季

Reel Rock 第 9 季

Reel Rock 第 9 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 9 季

Reel Rock 第 12 季

Reel Rock 第 12 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 12 季

Reel Rock 第 11 季

Reel Rock 第 11 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 11 季

Reel Rock 第 13 季

Reel Rock 第 13 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 13 季

Reel Rock 第 10 季

Reel Rock 第 10 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 10 季

Reel Rock 第 2006 季

Reel Rock 第 2006 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2006 季

Reel Rock 第 8 季

Reel Rock 第 8 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 8 季

Reel Rock 第 2009 季

Reel Rock 第 2009 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2009 季

Reel Rock 第 2019 季

Reel Rock 第 2019 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2019 季

Reel Rock 第 5 季

Reel Rock 第 5 季


2010-01-01 共6集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 5 季

Reel Rock 第 2021 季

Reel Rock 第 2021 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2021 季

Reel Rock 第 6 季

Reel Rock 第 6 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 6 季

Reel Rock 第 16 季

Reel Rock 第 16 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 16 季

Reel Rock 第 2022 季

Reel Rock 第 2022 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2022 季

Reel Rock 第 2008 季

Reel Rock 第 2008 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2008 季

Reel Rock 第 15 季

Reel Rock 第 15 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 15 季

Reel Rock 第 2020 季

Reel Rock 第 2020 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2020 季

Reel Rock 第 1 季

Reel Rock 第 1 季


2010-01-01 共6集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 1 季

Reel Rock 第 2017 季

Reel Rock 第 2017 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2017 季

Reel Rock 第 7 季

Reel Rock 第 7 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 7 季

Reel Rock 第 14 季

Reel Rock 第 14 季


2010-01-01 共0集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 14 季

Reel Rock 第 4 季

Reel Rock 第 4 季


2009-01-01 共1集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 4 季

Reel Rock 第 3 季

Reel Rock 第 3 季


2008-01-01 共1集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 3 季

Reel Rock 第 2007 季

Reel Rock 第 2007 季


2007-01-01 共1集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2007 季

Reel Rock 第 2 季

Reel Rock 第 2 季


2007-01-01 共1集

Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbin

Reel Rock 第 2 季