


Sabrina Colle




出生地:Avezzano, Abruzzo, Italy






侠探神父 第 13 季

侠探神父 第 13 季


2022-03-31 共10集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 13 季

侠探神父 第 12 季

侠探神父 第 12 季


2020-01-09 共20集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 12 季

侠探神父 第 11 季

侠探神父 第 11 季


2018-01-11 共26集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 11 季

侠探神父 第 10 季

侠探神父 第 10 季


2016-01-07 共26集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 10 季

侠探神父 第 9 季

侠探神父 第 9 季


2014-01-09 共26集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 9 季

侠探神父 第 8 季

侠探神父 第 8 季


2011-09-15 共24集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 8 季

侠探神父 第 7 季

侠探神父 第 7 季


2009-09-10 共24集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 7 季

侠探神父 第 6 季

侠探神父 第 6 季


2008-01-17 共24集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 6 季

侠探神父 第 5 季

侠探神父 第 5 季


2006-02-01 共24集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 5 季

侠探神父 第 4 季

侠探神父 第 4 季


2004-02-19 共24集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 4 季

侠探神父 第 3 季

侠探神父 第 3 季


2002-09-27 共16集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 3 季





根据英国畅销书作家罗伯特·哈里斯(Robert Harris)小说改编的一部别开生面的3集电视电影。   影片以当代莫斯科以及冰冷的北方大天使镇为背景,再现了俄罗斯共产党的全貌,描述了一个大学教师生命中最难忘的4天当中的故事.他更斯大林的一个前保镖的一次重要见面,揭开了世上最危险最秘密的秘密,不知何故,他不知不觉地陷入针对他自己地圣杯的阴谋和谋杀之中,圣杯是斯大林的秘密遗产.是一种可能永远改变俄国历史面貌的遗产……


侠探神父 第 2 季

侠探神父 第 2 季


2001-10-21 共16集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 2 季

侠探神父 第 1 季

侠探神父 第 1 季


2000-01-07 共16集

Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help.

侠探神父 第 1 季